Forty seven

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The three days passed by quickly and the days I spent in Hawaii became a beautiful memory. It felt like I was living in a story which had many genres. Eventhough, what happened in Hawaii with Yoongi left a big scar on me, I am still happy that he is finally getting investigated.

Tomorrow I will be going to back to live my life as Secretary Kang again and the Kang Soomin will be gone again. It was currently 7 pm and I was going to kitchen to make dinner for me when I heard the doorbell ringing. I left my kitchen and went to see it was none other than my boyfriend, Mr. Park Jimin.

He was wearing an orange tshirt and a black trousers, his hair were in a messy form and it looked like he got up from a long sleep. Eventhough he was wearing casual, he still looked more dashing than any man I have laid my eyes on.


Hello love

He waved his hand as I looked at him leaning on the door as I gave him a smile admiring his beauty.

- hi

I whispered as he tilted his head smiling too.

- can I come in?

He asked as I nodded opening the door wide open as he came inside. I closed the door and as I turned I saw him standing right in front of me as he took a step near me and I stepped back and my back hit the door he took my hand in his as he caressed it with his thumb

- I missed you.

He whispered to me as I chuckled

- we met just yesterday and if you remember, we will be seeing eachother everyday since tomorrow.

I reminded him as he out his head on the crook of my neck and snuggled in as I laughed because it tickled.

- You are being cute that means you are in a good mood.

I said as he nodded causing me goosebumps.

- well I am the definition of sexy cutie lovely.

He boosted as I rolled my eyes and I pushed him.

- Well Mr. Sexy cutie lovely, I have to eat now so move.

I turned around as he whined and I made my way towards the kitchen. He came with me as he sat on the platform.

- You need a new apartment.

He said looking around the place as I narrowed my eyes and looked at him.

- of course I do. Raise my pay and I will buy a luxurious home.

I looked at him with a 'will you do that' look and he just shook his head.

- On second thoughts, this is a nice place and moreover you need to work hard for it.

He said as I threw an apple at him which he caught easily.

- But seriously, you are working since a young age, why didn't you buy a better house?

He asked taking a bite as I suddenly got flashbacks of my youth days, of how I spent them either working my ass off or crying over Yoongi.

- I told you right because I had to pay my fathers debt.

- You never really said what actually happened with your father if, of course, you won't mind saying.

He hesitantly asked as I took a deep breath in. I took the knife as I started cutting the vegetables.

- I don't really remember much, but we were not that poor when I was young. My father did small business and earned enough to bring food to the table. That was until he decided to join hands with one of his friends and they both started a business. After some years, when I was around 16, my father apparently took a huge debt from the company and ran away because he did not want to live a life like this anymore.

I continued as Jimin was listening to me attentively.

- Soon after he ran away, my mother started drinking to take her pain away. Whatever savings we had left were gone after a year, and I had to start working jobs. Seulgi did some jobs too, but I knew that she loved studying so I had to quit after highschool to go out and earn. Luckily, I got a good job because a cousin of mine recommended me to a company and I started working here. After my father left, we had nothing but his haunting memories.

I said, tears started to form in my eyes as I couldn't see anything and I felt a sting as I wiped my tears to see my finger was bleeding Jimin came near me as he held my shoulder and put my finger under the water as I looked down trying to hold my tears back. Jimin hugged me from back as I held his hands. He made me turn around as he wiped my tears.

- I just wanted him to be with me, be with me when I graduated, be with me when I got my first love, be with me when I had my first heartbreak, be with me when I got my job.

I whispered as I felt a lump rising inside my throat. Eventhough whatever he did was unforgivable, he is still my father and some nights I miss him terribly. Jimin shushed me as he held my face and made me look at him.

- You weren't supposed to go through all of that, Soomin. You shouldn't have been the man of the family or be responsible of your family at just the age of 17, nobody deserves that. But you did it without any complaints and any remarks eventhough your mother never really appreciated you, you still gave your all.

He spoke as I felt overwhelmed with emotions. I was so grateful that Jimin was so understanding and empathetic. He caressed my face as he continued.

- I am proud of you.

He whispered as I broke down in tears and hugged him tight as he patted my back and I tried not to break into sobs. My cries were silent as the tears flooded my cheeks without any voice.

- If you had a chance would you like to meet him?

He asked as I looked at him. A series of the times I've spent thinking if I want to meet my father or not came into my mind.

- I don't know, we are better now and I don't need him anymore.

I stated as he nodded.

- I'm sorry for ruining the night.

I said as he shook his head.

- sshhh I was the one who asked you no need to apologise.

He said as I hugged him.

- We will just eat outside what say?

He asked as I nodded.

- I'll go change my clothes wait here.

I said as I went inside changing my clothes.


Jimin POV.

After having dinner together I dropped Soomin at her house even tho I practically begged her to let me stay with her she denied telling me I need a good sleep because we will be starting to work from tomorrow.

Even though it's just been a week since we started dating I have never felt this happy and peaceful. I will never let her go and will give her everything she deserves.

I thought of sleeping at my parents house since I didn't want to sleep alone and I parked my car. Getting out I looked at the mail box they were some letters and notices as I checked it. Some were from the bank some where from my aunts and one letter was from someone named Kang Jun-seok for my father. I took it as I went inside the house.


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

What do you think? What will happen now? Who do you think soomins father is? Will Jimin and soomins relationship face consequences because of her father?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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