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It felt like I was pulled deep inside the ocean when I read her text. I was so shocked that my sister was going to get married, it was honestly very weird. The Seulgi I know was irresponsible, immature and childish. I could not believe that the same person was big enough to get married. I smiled at my screen feeling tears in my eyes.

She has been in a relationship with her boyfriend for almost six years now, that was when I moved to Seoul to earn some money for my family. In these past six years, I have barely met my family and spoke with them. My younger brother, Taehyun who was only 12 when I left was 17 now and I haven't seen him for so long.

I never really asked Seulgi about who her boyfriend was or what did he do since I thought it was not my place to ask her. But from her texts, she looked very happy with him and that's why I was glad that she is marrying someone who deserves her. 

- Congratulations!!!!🥳❤

Yah! We have to meet soon. I am coming to Seoul in a few days and then we will meet. -

She texted back as I was still in disbelief of what was happening. I wondered when the wedding is and suddenly my thoughts started to get me as I thought how my sister is getting married, my brother will be in college soon and my mom who is finally happy.

I cannot believe that everything is back to normal now.

It's just me whose life have been boring and busy. I had to start working since the age 18 and since then I haven't stopped. I only had one relationship and it ended dreadfully which gave me so much trauma that I no longer wanted to be romantically involved with anyone.

But now, that I am in my late twenties, I miss the feeling of being in love. I miss having someone to hold onto and depend on someone. A small part of me wanted someone to call me theirs and whom I can call mine.

Shaking my thoughts away from my head I closed the lights and laid down and drifted to sleep.


I woke up at the sound of the alarm. Getting up I stretched my arms as I looked at my phone. Seulgi texted me and I opened the message.


The marriage it's AFTER TWO WEEKS!!!!

You better take a leave KANG SOOMIN IM WARNING YOU

And I don't know anything you're going to be the bridesmaid so you better be here in the next few days otherwise it won't be good for you.

I've to tell you so many things you know???

I miss you please come soon.

After reading those messages my eyes widen.

- WHAT? IN TWO WEEKS? Is she pregnant or what? Why is she hurrying so much?

I groaned not being completely sure if I'm going to get these many days off.

- If the marriage is in two weeks I've to get there next week so that means, I've to take more than two weeks off.

I sighed as I got up from the bed. Taking my towel.

- Ah! Whatever I deserve a break.

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