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3rd pov.

Jeongguk saw Taehyung's post when he was in a meeting at his father's company and his eyes widened when he read the caption. Luckily for him the meeting was almost over, because he was hard.

When the meeting was over, he quickly commented something and within a minute Taehyung responded to his comment making Jeongguk even harder. He quickly told his father goodbye and speeded over towards Taehyungs house. Not bothering to change into something more comfortable.

After a 20 minutes' drive, he arrived at Taehyungs house and quickly stepped out of the car and rang the doorbell. Within a minute Taehyung opened the door and as if Jeongguk wasn't hard enough already, there stood Taehyung in an oversized blouse and underneath it nothing but panties. Jeongguk growled and dragged Taehyung with him, slamming the door shut with his foot.

"Do you even know where my room is?" Taehyung asked, while being dragged by Jeongguk.

"Where is your room?" He asked, already dragging Taehyung upstairs.

"Second door on the left." Taehyung hurriedly said.

Jeongguk opened the door and pushed Taehyung onto the bed. He pushed off his shoes and hovered over Taehyung while smashing their lips together eagerly. Taehyung being as eager as Jeongguk is eagerly kissing him back. Tongues fighting for dominance but of course Jeongguk wins.

After some time, they pull apart for air and Jeongguk starts marking Taehyungs neck and collarbones while Taehyung pulls at Jeongguks hair a little, making the other groan. Suddenly he hears Taehyung moan a little and he knows he found it.

"Found it" He says and start sucking even harder on that particular spot making Taehyung let out little moans of pleasure.

As he thinks it's enough, he stands up and look around Taehyungs room.

"W-what are you looking for?" Taehyung asks, still breathing heavily.

"Do you have a rope or something?" He aks.

Taehyung smirks knowing what Jeongguk is planning to do and points at his wardrobe.

"In the left bottom drawer is a purple box with stuff." Taehyung answers.

Jeongguk does as told and grabs the box and when he opens it, he smirks.

"Kinky" He comments, making Taehyung blush a little.

He search for the stuff he needs and closes the box again.

"Go sit on my lap, baby." He orders and Taehyung does as told. He grabs the collar with lash he found and ties it around Taehyungs neck. He pushes Taehyung down onto the bed again and grabs his phone. He pulls the lash and snaps a picture. Taehyung moans, loving how he almost chokes.

"You look so sexy, baby"

"Can't wait to fuck you!" Jeongguk growls.

"Then fuck me!" Taehyung purrs with a smirk.

"As you wish babyboy!" Jeongguk says, also with a smirk now.

He slowly starts to undress himself, but Taehyung quickly stops him.

"Lemme do it!" He says and sits on Jeongguks lap. He slowly unbuttons his suit jacket and blouse, stopping when he sees how muscular Jeongguk is. Jeongguk smirks at that and says "You like what you see, babyboy?"

Taehyung nods eagerly and starts to mark Jeongguks abs. Jeongguks grabs a handful of Taehyung hair and slowly starts pulling it while groaning a little as Taehyung marks him.

After some time, Taehyung also things it's enough and quickly grabs his phone, snapping a quick picture of his masterpiece. He lays his phone back on his nightstand and starts to undress Jeongguk further until he is only in his boxers. Jeongguk also undresses Taehyung until he is also only in panties.

"You look so hot!" He comments while looking Taehyung up and down.

Taehyung blushes at the compliment and mumbles a shy "Thank you" Jeongguk smirks at that and pulls the lash making Taehyung choke a little.

"I can't hear you, babyboy" He teases.

Taehyung, knowing exactly what Jeongguk was doing smirked and said "Fuck me, daddy" making Jeongguk growl.

He quickly turned Taehyung onto his stomach and placed his ass up in the air. He harshly pulled down his panties and without warning pushes a finger into Taehyungs virgin hole making him scream out in pleasure and pain. Jeongguk knew Taehyung was a virgin but also knew he that he was a little masochist and him being a sadist makes this a whole lot better. He starts to thrust his finger in and out in a rather quick pace, loving Taehyungs little grunts of pleasure.

After some time, he has 4 fingers working inside Taehyungs little tight hole and thinks it enough. He pulls downs his own underwear and Taehyung gasps at the size.

"Y-you're so big!"

"I know" He says, cockily while putting on a condom.

Taehyung just rolls his eyes and says "Just push it in already!"

"Before I do so, I need you to know that, I fuck you because you're mine and not just as a one-nightstand." Jeongguk says and before Taehyung can answer, Jeongguk harshly slams his cock inside Taehyung, making him scream out Jeongguks name.

"S-so fucking big!"

"F-feels so g-good" Taehyung moans out.

Jeongguk smirks a little, going even faster.

"S-so f-full"

"You're doing great, baby!" Jeongguk praises as Taehyung keep on moaning.

"H-harder p-please d-daddy!"

And with that Jeongguk goes even faster than before making Taehyung cry out in pleasure.

"T-there p-please!"

"Where? Here?" Jeongguk asks, smirking as he goes even faster hitting his prostate dead on.

"Y-yeAAHHH" Taehyung moans.

Jeongguk grabs Taehyungs hand and lays it on his stomach.

"You feel that?" He asks.

"Y-yeah" Taehyung says, feeling the bulge on his stomach. He pushes a little on it and he can hear Jeongguk groan lowly. He smirks and puts even more pressure on it, making Jeongguk groan even loader.

"I-if you keep doing that, I might just cum already." Jeongguk groans.

"T-then let's cum together." Taehyung says and with one last thrust, they both cum.

Jeongguk let's himself fall down on Taehyung, while still riding out his own orgasm. But Taehyungs next words make him smirk.

"Another round?"

"Sure baby, but first put on something pretty for daddy, will you?" And with that Taehyung hobbles towards his wardrobe, looking for a pretty lingerie set to wear for his daddy.

Hey guys, this was chapter 29 and the only smut chapter of this book! Hope it wasn't too shitty lmao🤪

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