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golden_jeon: The fuck Taehyung?!!

Me: What?

golden_jeon: You're mine

Me: Im not cuz you clearly don't like me

golden_jeon: I do

Me: Why aren't you asking me out then?

golden_jeon: Just be patient

Me: Stop saying that
Me: It's been 4 weeks and you keep saying the same thing!

golden_jeon: Because it's what you need to be

Me: And what if I don't want to be patient ?

golden_jeon: Then all my work of the last 4 weeks has been for nothing...

Me: I don't understand

golden_jeon: You will soon

Me: How long is soon?

golden_jeon: a week

Me: Okay

golden_jeon: I gotta go know
golden_jeon: See you at school baby :)

Me: Yeah bye

golden_jeon: What's wrong?

Me: Are you sleeping with someone else?
Me: Was I that bad :(
Me: Don't you want me because I don't have boobs and can't give you a child?

golden_jeon: No of course not!
golden_jeon: No you were amazing baby!
golden_jeon: Who said that?

Me: Lisa

golden_jeon: I do like boobs, but you also have little cute nipples, which I love just as much!
golden_jeon: And don't listen to hear baby! She is just jealous of you😘

Me: Okay

golden_jeon: I really need to go now!
golden_jeon: Bye baby💜

Me: Bye Ggukie💜

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