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golden_jeon: Taehyung why are you ignoring me?

Me: Im not ignoring you

golden_jeon: Stop lying Taehyung

golden_jeon: I know you're ignoring me! And I know you feel guilty, but it's not your fault!

golden_jeon: We got into an argument and that's why I broke up with her. Didn't you read my post about it?

Me: I did but it's just
Me: idk, I feel guilty
Me: You liked her sm

golden_jeon: I did like her but do you think I like to hear someone whining the whole time because of a stupid joke? And saying things like 'you don't treat me well' or 'your don't like me and just use me for others to give you attention' ? That hurts and I was done with it. I've been hearing nothing but that, for the last two weeks, after that comment and I just snapped.

Me: I didn't thought about it like that...
Me: Im sorry

golden_jeon: Its okay, but just don't feel guilty!
golden_jeon: It wasn't your fault and I commented it not you.

Me: I know but still

golden_jeon: No buts Taehyung

Me: Okay I will shut up

golden_jeon: Good ;)

Me: Well Im gonna eat dinner now :)
Me: See you at school Ggukie !

golden_jeon: Have a nice dinner!
golden_jeon: See you later :)

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