[chapter 5] This Weeks History Lesson

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I know I said I would update this weekend, and technically it still is the weekend :D. I know it's a little late, but I was busy with school, family visits, and hockey, so I tried my best! Anyways, chapter 5 is short and sweet. I may improve it in the near future, but I think it's fine the way it is for now. 

Sooo, please tell me what you think of the story! Is it good, bad? Are you enjoying it? Please fan, vote, and comment, because your opinion matters :D! 

The next chapter will be posted as soon as I can get it done. This week is somewhat a busy week. I'll try my best!

Anyways, I hope everyones enjoying the story, because I am! And please give me some feedback :).


 Sam took a seat across from my desk. Stan came in the room bringing us some tea and some cookies. He took a seat next to Sam. Stan looked at Sam with an excited expression on his face. I gave him a glare.

"The story gets spicy!" He said to Sam.

"Spicy enough to burn you." I replied back. I grabbed a cookie and dunked it in my tea. I ate it quickly before it got too soggy and fell apart. Sam just starred at me with a blank expression the whole time. I could tell that she felt bad and that she was worried to hear what happened. Stan noticed that I was taking a long time to begin, and took the honour to start.

"So it all began when our little Josie was 21." He said smiling. I glared at him.

"Thanks." I took a sip of my tea. It was still hot and burnt my lips a little. "So when I was 21, I dated some guy named Charles. I was madly in love with him, but turns out he didn't feel the same way." My lip was feeling a bit tingly from burning it.

"Charles cheated on me." I paused. "Multiple times. I found out from one of my friends Lola who I had met in event planning school. Turns out, Lola was one of the girls Charles cheated on me with."

"That bitch!" Sam said. Sam looked shocked. She looked like she had seen a ghost. Sam slowly took a sip of her tea. Stan had the biggest smile on his face. He always thought it was healthy to express your past to other people. Although he had already known my history with Nate, he was excited that Sam was finally going to know.

"Anyways, obviously a human's first instinct is to take the pain away. I knew drinking my problems away wasn't a good idea, but I was young and stupid. I ended up going to some Irish bar by myself. I was a mess."

"I could imagine." I heard Sam whisper. She looked concerned. I managed to crack a smile.

"I took a seat at the bar, kept asking the bartender for drinks. He kept giving them to me. Eventually the bar got empty, but I was still there, alone and drinking. The bartender told me that the bar was closing soon. It was nearing four a.m. I looked at him and burst into tears. He could tell I was upset about something. He offered me a ride home, and I agreed. I had no other way to get back. I told him my address and he closed up the bar."

"This is where it gets good!" Stan said grabbing on to Sam's arm. I shot him a look.

"On the way home I told him the whole story about what happened. We got to my house, and he stuck out his hand and said, 'Hi I'm Nate'. I told him my name and thanked him for taking me home. We kind of just sat there starring at each other. We just clicked." I could see Stan smiling. "We both leaned in and shared a kiss, but then that kiss turned out into making out, and then that lead to.." I blushed.

"Sex!" Stan shouted out. "They had sex!" He shouted like a teenaged fan girl. I laughed at his childish behaviour. I could see Sam laughing too. Maybe telling them wasn't so bad afterall..

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