We First Met (part 1)

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(y/n): your name, (d/n): dad's name
(m/n): mom's name,

-Tadashi's POV-

"Boys,I'm sorry but I don't think I can play and chat with you today," our aunt said, obviously looking very busy. To tell the truth she was. It's lunch hour at The Lucky Cat and she didn't want/trust us to help her out. Considering Hiro's only 6, it was understandable but me, I'm eleven, I could totally help her out but if I did hiro would be lonely. Finally, she found a moment to stand still and talk to us without rushing to any nearby tables.

"Both of you should go outside and do something," she sighed ,"or would you rather sit and wait till I finished things up which would take me till nighttime? "Me and hiro looked at each other before slowly nodding our head to aunt Cass. Honestly, we prefer being cooped up here than being outside.

She gave both of us irritating look before she pushed us to the direction of the front doors. "But Aunt Casss..." hiro whined," I wanna' finish my robot!" he slumped his shoulders giving her his very best puppy dog eyes. But Sadly that never works on her. She gave hiro a sweet smile and crouched down to his level.

"I know Sweety, but you need to take a break and get some fresh air for today, okay? "she said in a gentle voice.

"Where are we gonna' gooo?" he whined again. Our Aunt started thinking of any safe nearby place where we both can hangout.

"I know!" she said "The new family down the street just moved in and it looks like there are some kids around your age" she began to walks to the counter where a line had started building up. "Go over there and introduce yourselves, make them feel welcome, make some new friends!" she shouted to us as she walked away.

I took a glance to my side to see the terror melt on to my little brothers face as our Aunt's words registered. Hiro had never been the 'friend-making' type, since his too bright and too different from kids his age. People just think his too much different.

"C'mon buddy," I said, turning to walk to the doors. At first he stood still before following me outside. We started walking down the streets. I looked down at him, he was fiddling with his robot, keeping his head and shoulders low as he walked, his face was contort into a concerned frown.

"Hey, don't be so nervous, I'm sure they're really nice." I said in an attempt to cheer him up. He seemed even more upset after that.

"No, they're just gonna' hate me like everyone else does" he said ,"Don't be ridiculous, you haven't even met them yet!" I argued. "Yeah, but everyone's the same...," he said sadly.

I sighed, I couldn't win this one....

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