Part 2

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Time during the lectures went really slow and I just couldn't concentrate. I was looking at the clock every few minutes hoping that this would end quickly.

There were about 30 minutes left when I received a message from Sam.

"We're going to the library after classes"


So I had two choices, to go back home on foot or to join them. I decided to join them in the library as I had some homework to do, because it seemed as it was about to rain. Raining was okay but I hated storms so much, it made my mind go blank. I just wasn't able to control this fear.

"I'll join"  I texted Sam back so he'd know not to leave me, just in case plans change.

"What are you doing after lectures?" Chloe asked me as she was in the same class as me.

"Probably going to the library as Sam and Harry are going to study there and we came with Harry's car. You?"

"I'm planing on doing that math homework that we have. Not much time left and I honestly don't understand any of it" she complained and I felt that. It was hard and the thing is that no matter what you studied in uni, you still had to take math and other classes like business or some sports.

"Okay, that's it for today" the teacher said and everyone quickly grabbed their things and started to leave.

I waited for Chloe to pack her things.

"This morning Harry asked me if we want to join them to go camping by the lake this weekend." I said to her.

"You say Harry asked huh..." she smirked but before she could say anything more I replied.

"You know how Sam is. He always forgets or asks the last minute" I said and she nodded.

"True, that's true...Okay I'll go" she said.

"Great. I'll tell you the details when I find out something more" I said as we approached the library.

"Okay. See you tomorrow" she smiled.

"Bye" I waived and entered the library looking for Sam or Harry. Perfectly for both. I looked around and found them sitting at the very end with papers spread around the table.

"How's it going?" I asked them putting my things down at their table.

"Horrible" Sam answered and Harry just sighed.

"Got it" I said and grabbing my wallet went to the front of the library where little coffee shop was placed. I bought three cups of coffee. Two simple black ones and one with milk and sugar and 3 big cookies to go with it. It'll help them a little bit.

"Here, you need something for your brain" I said placing their coffees and cookies in front of them.

"Thanks" Sam replied taking a sip.

"Thanks Gigi" Harry said and as I looked at him he smiled. It made me feel if I wanted to be the reason for him to smile more.

"No problem" I took a sip and sat down opening my math homework.

An hour passed and I was still struggling to move forward with my homework. I sighed and leaned back in my chair. I saw that Harry has closed his books and was sitting there reading a novel, waiting for Sam and me to finish.

I rubbed my face with my hands like it would help to solve this homework. Suddenly, I felt a chair being moved next to me.

"What is it?" Harry asked as I looked at him. What was he doing?

"Hm?" I asked him, but it's not that I didn't hear the question, it was more that I was surprised that he sat down next to me.

"What is it that you don't understand?" he asked one more time "I can see that you're irritated"

"Math, just this frickin math. I just can't seem to understand this topic" I said and he looked into my book intensively reading.

"Okay, it's not that hard. So you don't understand how to do your homework or this whole topic?" he asked turning to look at me, our faces inches away.

"Whole topic" I said my breath being stuck in my throat.

"Okay, so we'll start here..." Harry started explaining the topic to me from the beginning so I would be able to understand and do homework myself.

"Guys, I finished my homework so I'm gonna go to the gym for a quick workout and then home. Are you okay with it?" Sam asked.

"What time is it?" I asked clearly not aware of what time it was.

"7 pm" Sam replied.

"Go ahead, Sam. We still have a few things to learn. I'll bring her home and we'll grab a take out on the way back. You okay with pizza for dinner?" Harry spoke and I just watched them both.

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks man" my brother said patting his friend on the back.

He continued on explaining topic to me and I finally started to understand things, then I tried to do my homework and somehow managed to do it myself. Even though I knew he got good grades in school I never thought he was this smart. I looked at him as my brothers BFF who was pain in the ass and always teasing.

"Okay, I think we're done for today" Harry said looking at his watch which showed that it was already 8:30pm.

"Thanks...a lot" I said as we were walking.

"No problem. If you need more help, don't be afraid to ask" he smiled and we finally reached his car.

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