Chapter 4

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It was two o'clock in the morning, and he was still dealing with trivial chores. She was sitting across from him, focusing on her laptop. As rumored, she has curvaceous curves, bright eyes, tall nose, and magnificent red lips, which is God's favorite. She seemed to be aware of his gaze, she raised her head and looked at him,
"Done?" She walked up to him and aimed at the document on his desk.
"Good job." She then pulled the chair and sat down next to him. He is used to her intimate behavior, she just likes to molest him. Like now, she was smiling and leaning on his shoulder, if there was a seemingly scent invading his nose, she whispered against his ear.
"Relax, I won't do anything to you, I'm tired now, and you're not ready yet. My dear." Even if she stressed that, he was still a little at a loss.

He knew what he looked like

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He knew what he looked like. Since he was a student, he has received a lot of love letters, and he has been stopped and confessed many times when walking on the road, but even so, he still has no experience in contact with women. Because he has no interest in men and women at all, his goal is to use his own hands to become famous. According to the rumors, she is also an indifferent queen who is unwavering in beauty. Rumors say that even if a young and strong handsome guy serves her as a secretary, she will be taken away by her for various reasons within a month. Disappeared.
But unfortunately, the company circulated the news that she had already matched him when he came for the interview on the first day, and then the personnel department did its best to meet all his requirements in order to let him stay. But besides his looks, is there really nothing else worthy of her love? After thinking about it, he smiled indifferently, love is not his necessity, and he does not intend to please the queen to get what he wants.
However, he did not consciously give in to the woman next to him. After a while, she suddenly stretched out her hand to hug his waist, buried her head in his neck, and nudged contentedly. He moved his body stiffly, and found that the woman had tightened him, so he stopped moving.
There is a faint blush on his face.
"di......di......di......" is an alarm clock. He woke up from his sleep, frowned, and the soreness of his shoulders told him that this position had been maintained for a long time. He fell asleep leaning on the chair, and the woman next to him was long gone.
He skillfully drew out a change of clothes from a side cabinet. Yes! He has already been familiar with all the steps during the inhuman torture of more than three months. As a secretary, it is inevitable to be familiar with the boss's schedule. During the boss's meeting, he must sort out the documents needed for the next meeting. The reason why I was so busy until the early morning was that I kept preparing documents, processing all appointments, and sorting all schedules.
"Next is the meeting about product development at 4:30 in the afternoon. In the evening is the product promotion meeting of W Magazine and our cooperation." She didn't seem to hear him at all, but stared at him.
"Is there a dress?" He shook his head. He has always been minimalist and only has jeans and a white shirt. Rather than being concise, it is actually poor. But he doesn't care.
This is his first time attending a meeting. For the first three months or so, he buried his head in her office and kept completing written documents. Even the only person he saw when he looked up was her the most. He suddenly discovered that this was actually his office. She doesn't have much time here at all. And she always only holds a laptop computer. There are a lot of confidential data and information in the R&D conference, and he dare not neglect at all. He has long been waiting for the queen in the conference room.

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