Chapter 17: Destroying The String Of Abuse

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3rd Person POV

You woke up as the next day comes in. It's still raining with the sky becoming brown as pollution. That does not suit with Anna and you after all. "You always make that happiness without any of us. But now I have to destroy it to free everyone. After that, you're going to have a lot of lecturing to do, Anna." You got yourself prepared with the sword that you crafted from your light. You also have a gun that Vari gave it to you. "Thank you, Vari. I might need that."

"Y/n," Remi and the others came to you. "Are you...really...?"

"Yeah, I'm going. Look after Neon and the others for me." You left Vari's house to regroup with Yui and the others that are going into the white palace at the bridge to the white palace.

Yui: Y/n-chan, you're here!

Rachel: Heh, looks like you never back down after all.

Y/n: Sorry, I was thinking too much about Anna. So, this is where we say goodbye to Anna's reality.

Yui: Yeah, for the world's good. Y/n, what are you going to do after you are now existing in the real world?

Y/n: I'm going to save Anna's fate. I wasn't here before this happen and now she needs to understand what true friendship is supposed to be. That's how it needs to be.

Yui: You're right about that. Now it's time to move on. Ok, let's go!

"Yeah!" You all start to infiltrate the white palace without getting caught.

Remi's POV

In the school that should closing by now. Yui said that any authorized students may enter since she gave us the pass.

Y/n is heading out to the palace with superhuman students only. As for me, I don't stand a chance because I don't have one. I wasn't able to train more with her since she saved my life. "(Parry and then counterstrike. Dodge and then counterstrike!)" That's what she said to me before she leaves to reset this world back to its normal form. As for me, I want someone to pay the debt for what she did to Anna and then us.

I already got my own fighting ability awakened thanks to Y/n.

Fighting Ability: Hybrid Counter
Description: Enables to counterstrike after parrying or dodging the enemy's attack. Dashing is allowed. This also enables Remi to fight as well, similar to Y/n's Assault Absolver, but Remi doesn't have the absolver because she lacks the supernatural abilities.

Thank you Y/n, now I'll have to spend my remaining time in this world by making a pep-talk with Huraki when I find her.

"Remi," Neon spoke to me. "What's going to happen to us now?" She seems worried about Y/n.

Remi: We'll return to where we started from the day before this illusion happens. And then Y/n might come back with us in the real world.

Bailey: Illusion and the real world, huh? I can't believe Anna would run away from all of us like that. Who would do such a thing?

Remi: Who knows. No one would want to suffer like this.

Agari: Girls, please. No matter what, Y/n will always be there for us. Even after she defeated the illusion that Anna created.

Remi: We all trusted her at all times.

Bailey: This is getting sadder than before. Being stuck in this rain...

I silently look at them being too isolated because of the regret that we couldn't save Anna's heart. "...?" I notice someone's footsteps coming towards us. "Tch, look who decided to show up with her friends." I glace onto Huraki now with 4 girls coming to us. "Who sent you?"

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