Chapter 18: This Is The End! (End of the Book) (REWRITE)

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News POV

We're in the news! REPORT!

According to this weather report, rain and thunderstorms are endless. We got a floating building that is completely white and now...

In just in...


I can't do it! It's all hopeless! We're all going to die! RUN! IT'S ALL FLOODING!

Agari's POV

"AITA!" The bullies have been defeated by the world's Chinese masterpiece! Wing Chun!

Ability: Wing Chun
Description: A fast and highly powered with dexterity. It allows her to parry and pull fast combos in about a second. It lacks knockback but is good for combos. It attacks faster than just pulling and throwing an attack at the enemy. It sacrifices a spinning move to increase accuracy for defensive measures and light attack proficiency. Parries are also good as well.

Agari: I guess that's the end of that.

Neon: Guys, it's all flooding! We have nowhere out now!

Agari: What?!

"She's not lying, look!" Bailey exclaimed. I check out the stars and then the first floor. I see it flooding. Oh god...! Y/n, you better hurry up!

"Guys, are you ok!?" Remi came to us.

Agari: We're fine, but the world is flooding!

Remi: What?!

We all looked outside and it was real. It's like the world is dying out there. Ok, my god...! The roads are flooding as the rain cannot stop. Y/n, please hurry! I'm begging you!

We all went upstairs to the top floor as we all tried to survive...!

Rachel's POV

Aw geez! No matter how much we try to defeat more of the white guardians, more of them start appearing! I slice each of them one by one before they try to attack me. "Damn it, how much more can we get!?" I start complaining.

"You're the one to talk about being here for Y/n!" Yui blocks off the guardian's attack and counterattacks with her Wind Spin! "Y/n saved my life years ago, so it's our turn to return the favor! Do not give that up on me!"

"Fine..." I sighed. Y/n indeed saved me from the pain that I gained from the people who treated me like trash. She refused to kill me from that time. Look at her eyes, she was like a sad girl with no friends to cling to her. What a pitiful girl she was before she was like this...!

"Incoming!" One of our allied students exclaimed. An artillery fire came up and crashed us out. I was caught in the blast and away. Damn, I took major damage.

"Rachel-chan, look out!" Yui exclaimed. I look up and see a white guardian preparing a slash attack.

"Onee-sama!" Ayame cried. Shit, I got nowhere to run!

"You stay out of this you little shit! We're not a fan of this end-of-the-world game!"

"Huh?" I see defective whites fighting against the guardians. "But why...?" I see more of the defects fighting against each other.

"For our people of the earth, for our atonement! ATTACK!"

"I don't know." Yui took me up with a stand. "But what I know is that they are people like us who don't want the illusion to take over our real world. That's what they're here for. I feel for them now. We all wanted to be free from this despair. Rachel, let's help them out and then go help Y/n if we can!"

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