9: AI and Silent Car Rides

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Would it be weird to say I'm taking Rick to see my gynecologist today? I suppose so, but it's exactly what we're doing. As soon as my flu left me my period started and I decided that I'd waist no more time when it stops. I'd managed to convince Rick to come along with me to see Dr. Cheryl because I wanted him to aid in all my decisions when it came to our baby.

He wasn't too happy about it. In fact, he's a nervous wreck and also a little uncomfortable, but wouldn't dare tell me that. I just knew. Though, I don't really see why other than the fact that males don't need gyno care since they don't have vaginas... Unless...

Anyway, I'm the one who is supposed to be nervous. I'm the one getting checked up and fingered. Not that I'd get fingered today, we just want to talk about the methods of getting pregnant. I wanted to see the options and get a medical point of view of my crazy idea.

See, it took me a while to think about how we'd go about getting me pregnant. And Rick is worried that if we choose to have sex it would change our friendship. I had to agree with him on that, so we both decided on trying other options.

The car ride into town was a quiet one. So was the short wait in the waiting room. When our turn came around, we silently walked into Cheryl's office. Rick opened to glass door for me and ushered me inside with a light hand on the small of my back.

He whispered his final opinion to me before he followed, "I do not like this."

"What, the place or the whole idea?" I knew the answer but I asked anyway.

He opened his mouth to reply but closed it as he caught sight of Dr. Cheryl. "Hello."

"Hi. You must be Rick. Nice to meet you." Cheryl gave me a side hug and offered him a hand to shake.

"Same." He said slowly as his eyes roamed around the room, probably searching for a quick escape path. He settled on sitting down on a stool in the furthest corner of the room, beside a dustbin.

"Not a man of many words, I see." Cheryl noted and winked at me.

I laughed, "No, he's just a little nervous."

Cheryl nodded, "okay then, let's talk, take a seat Ariadne."

"Great!" I dropped into a soft chair while Cheryl took the one behind her small desk. "Let's talk about AI. The AI that is not artificial intelligence." I said the last part while looking over at Rick. He just started back at me with his I'm-not-dumb look; a raised eyebrow kind of glare. I shrugged it off.

" We call it Artificial insemination," Cheryl said, " it is when semen is collected and then transferred into either the vaginal canal, the cervix, or into the uterus. The commonly used form is IUI, intrauterine insemination, and that's because it has the best success rate."

Another option is at-home insemination or the so-called “turkey baster” method. It can be risky if not done properly, but it is a path many couples have taken. But take into consideration that in many areas, insemination that does not occur with a medical professional will not be recognized in court as a donor-conceived child."

Interesting stuff... Some of which I saw when I looked it up.

I sat listening as she went on. "Then there is a plan B, or C... If that doesn't work... There is  Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection and is basically two ways that an egg may be fertilized.

One, by IVF: traditional and ICSI. In traditional IVF, fifty thousand or more swimming sperm are placed next to the egg in a laboratory dish. Fertilization occurs when one of the sperm enters into the cytoplasm of the egg. In the ICSI process, a tiny needle, called a micropipette, is used to inject a single sperm into the center of the egg. With either traditional IVF or ICSI, once fertilization occurs, embryo or the fertilized egg grows in a laboratory for 1 to 5 days before it is transferred to the woman’s womb."

You know, doctors literally have a medical pc inside their heads... Or an encyclopedia or something. It's amazing how much knowledge they've got stuffed in their brains.

"Are you listening to me?" Cheryl asked after a while.

I nodded eagerly, "yes, of course!" At least three fourths of those medical terms was still in my head.

"Okay, good. But also bare in mind that these methods are used because of some medical or other complications." She said and glanced at Rick in his corner who was busy picking Lord knows what off his shirt.

She looked back at me and I offered a smile. "In other words, we could just have sex."

"Yes. That's the usual way, dear."

Don't we all know that? Or maybe, just maybe we can get a stork to do give me a baby. Disney did it, so why can't I? "I know doc." I tried to laugh it off. The strange excitement I felt in my gut at the thought of having some hot, baby making sex with bestie. Bestie who was now so focused on his phone that he didn't even noticed that the conversation was over.

"So Rick, what do you think?" I asked, turning to stare at him.

His head jerked up suddenly and eyes widened a fraction. "Me? Umm nothing."

"Nothing?" I sighed. Disappointment washed over me.

His eyes traveled to Cheryl then back at me and sadness mixed with something else glistened in his cocoa brown eyes. "Ariadne, can we please talk about this at home?"

Somehow I didn't feel like arguing with him. I wanted to see his usual smiley face that would constantly compete with the sun. Plus I hated when he used my first name and not the short version. "Sure."

We bid Dr. Cheryl farewell and left for home soon after. The ride home was silent, but a lot worst than it was earlier. It was almost suffocating and I couldn't wait to get out. I let Rick drive my car and spent the time looking through the window and wishing I could get a second chance and do this all over but very differently. I suppose he really hates me now. Maybe this time he'll pack up and move back into that motel he had booked before... Or maybe he'd just go back on a plane.

We got home and he raced around to my side of the car to open the door for me. "Thanks." I said, offering a small smile as I stepped out, hopefully, it gif my depressing thoughts.

"Can I make you dinner?" Was his reply.

I couldn't hide my surprise as I muttered a short answer. "Umm... Okay."

A Baby By Bestie Where stories live. Discover now