Prologue: Lost

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To say the day started off like every other was an understatement. Everything was perfect, almost too perfect. Then again, I guess that's why it made sense when it all went to shit. My parents had just gotten home from work when the three of us heard a crash from the back door. My father stood up on guard and slowly made his way to the disturbance. Another crash was heard, then silence. My cat, Aviva, stood with her hair on end, and her back arched.

"Darling?" My mother called. There was no response. Suddenly her eyes went wide. "We need to go now!"

"But what about Dad?" I panic. She looks over my way with tears in her eyes and I understand. Aviva jumps into my arms and I am ushered out of the room.

We flee to the garage and the car keys and her purse are shoved  into my hands. I nod my head knowingly, but catch a whiff of a burning scent. The smell causes my mom to spam the garage door opener.

As the two of us sprint to get in the car a scream rips through the air. I turn around to see some being pulling my mother back.

"Go!" She screams to me.

"But-" I start but get cut off.

"Just go and live!" My heart slowly tears as I start the engine. Aviva meows next to me, as if telling me to hurry. My hands fumble with the gear shift as pools of water brim my eyes. I'm leaving behind the only family I have. The passenger door opens just as I gun the gas, forcing whatever was there to let go.

As the car inches closer to the edge of town, I can't hold back the sobs anymore. They claw their way up my throat and tears blur what little vision I have.

Goodbye home.


Ummmmm hello there!

I've decided to get back into writing and start a new story. I'm really sorry for the short prologue, I suck at them. Also if you've read the start of my other work and haven't figured it out by now. I've decided to cancel that story. Anyway please enjoy this new pie

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