Chapter 1: Restart

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As I drove along the winding back roads my head nodded forward and hit the horn.

"Shit!" I jolted up. For the past twenty-four hours, I had been getting the hell out of dodge. Could really go for a cup of coffee about now. Surprisingly, just like that, the Lord answered my prayers. A small town was visible up ahead, and it would surely have what I need. Now if only this car was a little bit faster.

A small sign on the side of the road informed me of my location. 'Welcome to Creede Colorado! Population: 290'

Quite a small town.

Aviva, who lay asleep in the seat next to me started to stir like she knew we were about to stop. The small sign of a cafe illuminated the street ahead.

I pulled up to the almost empty parking spaces and turned to Aviva.

"Watch the car for me okay?"  I asked. She gave me a mewl in response. With a turn of the key, I shut off the engine and proceeded to lock the doors. My mother's wallet was stuffed into my back pocket.

The little bell of the cafe door chimed as I entered.

"Hello and welcome to the 'Dream Bean Cafe'! How may I help you?" A woman in her twenties called out as she turned around. She looked taken aback when her blue eyes met my black ones.

"One black coffee please." I ordered. While handing a five dollar bill. "Keep the change."

"Coming right up!" For a split second she turned around to glimpse at my face. "You look awfully young to be out at this time of night."

Curse humanity's keen skills of observation.

"Uh yeah I guess. I'm just passing through." Was my rebuttle. A small nod of her head followed my response.

While she prepared my coffee I looked around the little cafe. Posters and other decorations were scattered about the room, but one thing in particular caught my attention. It was a small sign on the window advertising a semi-large house. The biggest thing that stood out to me was the price. '$200,000'.

That cheap? Is my luck turning around?

The clang of a mug on countertop broke my focus away. "Here you are." The woman spoke.

A small 'thank you' escaped my lips as I made my way over to a seat closest to the window. The same poster that had grabbed my curiosity before had a small number written below. I reached for my mother's phone in the opposing pocket from her wallet. I swiftly entered the number into the dial and called, hoping someone would answer at this time of night.

It rung three times and as I was about to end the call, someone picked up the line.

"Hello?" A raspy voice called from the other side.

"Um, hi I was calling to ask about the house for sale on um-" I paused to glance at the location. "On W Spruce Drive."

"Oh, " The voice rang from the phone. "Are you interested in purchasing it?"

"Yes actually." I replied, taking a sip of the hot beverage before me.

After about fifteen minutes, I was scheduled to fill out the assigned paperwork for the property the next day.

Now you may be wondering how a sixteen-year-old kid can afford that house, even if it is cheap. Well in all honesty, I can't, but my mother could. She told me to live, so that's what I'm gonna do.

My mind wandered back to the night prior. It all felt like some crazy dream even though I knew that was far from the truth.  So many question wandered through my mind. 'What was that thing? What did it want?' Although, for the time being, I didn't expect to get any answers.

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