Chapter 3: The Looney Bin

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Rays of sunlight popped through the window in my room, waking me from my slumber.

"Sun, go the hell back to sleep," I say while throwing a pillow at the window. Although, the effort was futile as it continued to shine through, further awakening me. To only add to its effects, Aviva jumps on my back. "Fine, fine, I'm getting up you little-".

She gets off of me when I push myself into a sitting position.

It seems like the cold November air chilled the house. Reluctantly I push onward to get ready for my first day at school. Of all days possible I had to start on a Monday.

I head downstairs and reach into the fruit bowl, grabbing an apple. All of my recently purchased clothing and other various items sitting on the kitchen floor, still in bags. Meh, I'll get to that later.

While continuing to munch on the delicious and crisp fruit, I picked out a grey hoodie and a pair of black ripped jeans.

I run upstairs to change and brush my teeth. After, I swiftly google how long the walk to school would be.

Fifteen minutes.

If I leave now I'll have time to stop by the 'Dream Bean Cafe'.

On the way to the door I grab my newly purchased backpack and supplies.

"Later Aviva, take care!" I call out to hear a mewl in response as usual. I lock the door and head out onto the road in front of me, walking along the side.

If my mother were here she would scold me for being so dangerously close to passing cars. Only if... too bad she's not.

I shake my head to clear the negative thoughts. This is no time for self pity, I have a whole eight hours in the looney bin ahead of me.

Up in front of me I can begin to see the main road, which means I'm getting closer to my goal: coffee. I try my best to run to the shop, but my bag hinders my movement.

Soon, but not soon enough, I arrive at the cafe. Once again the bell jingles as I enter. The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans enters my nostrils. I sink into my shoulders, relishing the scent.

I notice a few customers in the shop but not an absurd amount, a few even look to be my age.

Dix looks up from the brew she is working on to greet me. "Hey squirt, how goes it?" Her acknowledgment catches the attention of four customers.

Three of them are very tall, six foot or higher, all of them are tough-looking guys, clearly jocks. There was one girl with them who was only a couple inches taller than me. Not that its much of an accomplishment, I'm on the shorter side.

I respond to Dix. "I'm doing alright, still have to put things away. What about you? Are you ever going to decide on a nickname for me or are you gonna keep switching them up?" I finish with a smirk.

Her facial expression mirrors mine and she lets out a laugh. "So what do you want?" She asks.

"I'll take the same as last time but to go. Also thanks for sorting out the whole school situation yesterday, you're the best."

"I know." She replies cockily with a stink eye.

'Is she really older than me?

I sigh and stand of to the side, waiting for my order to be completed. I look around at all the posters now that they're in better light. Most of them are rock band posters like Metallica or Kiss.

As I'm scanning the room, I notice the tallest of the three boys looking at me. His platinum hair compliments his deep blue eyes. He's holding what looks to be a sugar loaded drink. Bleh.

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