The Virtues

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"We almost forgot about Pride, any idea where he might be"

"For Pride I'm only going off of some rumors I heard when I was in New York City"

"What rumors?"

"There were rumors of a successful lawyer, some people are saying he so good that he must have some supernatural powers"

"Are you certain, it could just be a really good lawyer"

"That's what I thought at first, but this person was said to have been shot point blank and survived without a scratch"

"Why would Pride be a lawyer of all things, you'd think he would go for something with more grandiose or glory. Like a championship fighter of some sort"

"That sounds more like your cup of tea and while we're on the subject of employment. Why did you become a hitman? It doesn't feel like you're able to be very wrathful shooting someone from a mile away"

"I'm good at it and I get this spark of gratification. Why do you model? I know it technically aligns with your sin but..."

"When they take pictures of me I don't have to directly see the people who are looking at my photo, I'll feel beautiful in the moment not knowing who's negatively judging me". His sister was outlandishly beautiful but even being the embodiment of lust doesn't mean you can be everyone's fancy at the same time. Wrath knew his sister put an unrealistic standard on herself,but what could he do? He could say she's beautiful for all eternity but she'd never believe him. Wrath knew they were going a little off topic, but it was hard to stay on track when all you want to do is catch up. All their lives had been either battles or planning for battles and sometimes they would get a glimpse of normalcy. He remembered the weapons he had to hold and the blood that he had to shed. That thought brought up another important point to bring up the virtues. When Wrath thought of those weapons it gave him a sense of anxiousness. When those accursed items came into existence he remembered wanting to use it on his father's thick head. His father gifted him and his siblings those items after they were given their names, he remembered feeling so relieved believing their misfortune was finally over. Lucifer, the bastard, basically gave them their own specific death's, his father didn't even tell them that they could be killed with the items they held. It was only by a stroke of luck that Wrath figured it out. Wrath was cleaning up his new weapon feeling a sense of pride and as he was going to hang it up as a testament to his survival. As he was putting it up he cut his hand on the blade end, at first he thought nothing of it since their father gifted them immortality. A small cut like that should have disappeared immediately but it continued to bleed. Wrath at first believed his father lied to them, he had felt betrayed and repeating questions kept coming to mind 'why?', 'what was the point?', and ' had I done this for nothing?'. The feeling in his stomach and chest was as if someone were twisting his insides and out of curiosity decided to test it out. He got a hold of a normal knife and cut his other hand, the skin was sliced like cutting through a tender tri tip. There was barely any blood that was able to come out of his hand before it healed itself. He wasted no time getting a hold of his siblings and telling them what he discovered. Those weapons that were given to them were named Virtues as a sense of irony, because you can only kill a sin by using the correlating virtue. To this day he hated his father's sense of humor.

"I'm sorry to change the subject, but did you have any luck hiding the virtues"

"Yeah I did actually, I hid Sloth's, Envy's, and Gluttony's"

"Where are they located?"

"Sloth's is in the Smithsoian museum, Envys' is in an art exhibit in Los Angeles, and Gluttony's is being used in a restaurant in Venezuela"

"Where did you put yours?"

"A Gentlemen's club in Boston"

"Why not put it in a safe or something"

"I felt uncomfortable holding on to an item that would definitely kill me and Sloth, Gluttony, and Envy felt the same way"

"Well I can kind of understand but we need to get them back, if they find them were..."

"I know Wrath, but the last time I saw our siblings they didn't want to look at those things anymore so they asked me to hide them" she sounded like she was on the brink of crying again.

"I'm not blaming you, I know you had your reasons, but I'm just worried about them getting into their hands" Wrath spoke with a calm and collected voice, trying to reassure her that he wasn't upset with her.

"Did you hide yours?"

"Mine is always kept in a luggage bag that I carry around, at the moment it's in the closet"

"How are you comfortable knowing that the thing that could kill you is just a few feet away?"

"I'm not, but for me out of sight out of mind doesn't work, at least this way I know no one else has it" his expression was a mix of different emotions; anxiousness,anger,and a ting of sadness. He at one point thought of getting rid of it but the anxiety of not knowing irked him. What if someone found it, what if his father found it, or what if the church people found it. Those thoughts are what kept him from disposing of this weapon, his virtue; patience. 

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