Part 1

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"ugh! where is he?!" i yell and then i see Will here i roll my eye's me and Will got into a fight 3 month's ago we where fine it's just i guess 'Jennifer kissed him' yeah right we NEVER talked sense but deep down i still love him "Hi Ari hi Will!" Lucas says i wave then i see Mike pull in "you're late--" i say "again!" Will finishes me i put my hands in my pocket's and walk "where gonna miss the opening!" Lucas says "yeah if you keep whining!" Mike says "just please let's go neyh neyh neyh!" Lucas mock's Mike i giggle "one of these days you're ass is gonna get kicked!" He yell's "let me guess you and El moochen!" max Says "oh yeah real mature Max "oh El i wish we could make out for ever! and not hang with any of our friends!" Lucas says "Lucas stop!" i say Will laugh's usally i would Laugh with him "see Will think's it's funny!" " i.said.shut.the.fuck.up." i say "thank you! oh and it's so funny that i get to have a romantic time with my girlfriend!" Mike says "i'm spending a romantic time with my girlfriend" Lucas says putting his arm around Max's shoulder's i look down we go down the exsaclater "sorry,sorry,sorry" i say "hey watch it!" a girl says i give her a dead stare Mike pull's me back "yeah watch it nerd!" Erica says "isn't it pass you're bed time?" Lucas ask's "isn't it time you die?" i roll my eye's we go into Scoops Ahoy Mike ring's the bell he open's the door and let's us in i walk down "hey if anyone c--" 'where dead!" all of THEM finish

i realize i sit next to Will so i get up and go out the door and back to SA (scoops ahoy ) "hi Steve!" i say "let me guess choclate ice cream with wiped cream?" i nod "here" Robin says i give her tip's and sit down Steve come's with me "ok what's the problem now?" "Will? duh i'm not sitting next to my ex that cheated on me" i say taking another bite "maybe just maybe you give him another chance--" "no! Jennifer is one of my friend's she wouldn't lie to me about that and i even saw it!"i say "you going back?" "no." "come on look at you're self 1. you're beautiful 2. you're crying over a boy 3.and eating ice cream what can i say?" i sigh and bang my head on the table "i wasted my time on him, in the hospital,at his house,giving him drawings,th-the snow ball" i say letting tear's fall "WILL I EVER FIND LOVE?" "idk" i walk away and go into the arcade there and just sit at dig and dug i sigh then the power goes out for a secound then back on i shrug then i smell blood? then i get flash back's "Will?,Will!?,WILL?,WILL!?" "I love you too" "come on!!" "i'm next!" i fall off my chair "argh" i whimper well that's just a flash back nothing bad the gate is closed i get up "here let me help you" a brown haired boy says putting his hand out i grab it and get pulled up "t-thank's" i say "you're welcome what's you're name?" i look into his beautiful blue eye's "Arianna,Ari Wheeler" i say "i'm Liam nice too meet you well see you around" he waves i wave back and start walking to the movie "oh you're back Max says "yeah just Lady stuff"we laugh and then i look to my Right and see Will looking at me and look's away

as i'm tucking my yellow and black shirt in my mom short's and i put my hair behind my ear and try not to laugh and someone put's there hand on my mouth it was Will he put's his finger to his mouth i roll my eye's Mike whisper's now El stop's the stuff from moving i walk out first followed by Will,El,Mike,Lucas,Max then we blow the thing's Dustin spray's his hair spray at Lucas

"is it better?" i ask siting on the couch "still sting's hey is that a new zit?" "what is wrong with you?" "i was jus-ahhhhhh!" Lucas scream's "think phoebe kates only hotter!" i hear Dustin say "where going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend!" Will says looking at Max and Lucas "girlfriend!?" they say running i walk behind them

"ugh!" i yell 'i'm pretty sure people in utah have tellaphones!" Max says "yeah but suzie's mormon!" "oh shit she doesn't have electristy?" Lucas ask's "oh that's the Amish" Max says "What are Mormon's?" Will ask's "super religious white people they have the same as us but since i'm not Mormon their perent's would never's all a bit shakespearen" "shakespearen?" i ask "yeah like romeo and juliet!" "right" i sigh "hey guys!" Mike yell's "this is fun and all but i gotta go home" "but where almost there!" Dustin says "it's been like this all summer i say rolling my eye's and keep walking up "it's romantic" Max says "it's gross!" Will says no wounder why he did that i say with tear's in my eye's i look back at him still looking at them and as soon as i get there i lay down in the grass and sigh there still half way down there so i just lay there and close my eye's

"made it!" "yeah only took 5 hour's!" Max says i put my hands behind my head and i just can't stop thinking about what Will said "it's gross!" "i love you too" "let me go! let me go!" "he's here!" "don't think about you're dad right now" "WILL!!!" "WILL!!" i shoot up breathing heavily "you ok?" Dustin ask's me 'i-i think i'm just gonna go home--" "what no there's something going on." Dustin says grabing my arm "let.go." "not till you tell us!" i push him on the ground

and run in the wood's and sit near a tree and cry "stupid!" i start to hear someone coming i look up and see Liam? "hey what's a pretty girl out here doing alone?" "oh just uh a big fight w my brother that's all" i say we walk out of the wood's "well if you ever are alone or need someone to talk to i'm right here" he says i smile then i hear foot step's come from behind me i look around me and see Will "who are you?" he asked Liam "Liam,one of Ari's friends who are you?" "her ex?" Liam goes to Will and pushed him down "Liam!" i yell "stop! get off him!" i yell then i rip him off him "if you ever touch someone i love with all my heart even know they broke it i will Kill you! PERIOD!?" i ask him he shake's his head 'yes' i take my foot off him and head back home and hear someone behind me "Liam!--" "um i'm not Liam.." Will says "oh just you" i say he walk's next to me "hey um the reason you Kissed Jennifer is it bc you hate me or--" "NO NO No" he says "she kissed me...iv'e tried too talk but i-" "but i was just wonder ing bc well when we where walking up the hill you called them gross and i was just if you thought that about me--" he put's his hands on my check's "i could never!" he says i smile

we get too his house "well umm better go back" i say starting to walk "hey! do you just want to stay here i-i mean it's pretty dark" i nod and walk in "oh hey haven't seen you in a while!" Joyce says i laugh " could i by any chance stay here?" i ask she nods i get on the couch "you're not hungery?" Will says sitting down "do you see me no i'm never hungery when's the last time you saw me eat?" i laugh "idk i just thought you would you alway's where hungery for my mom's food..." Will says i put my head on his shoulder "yeah that's the old me i say"

and getting up and going to the bathroom i wash my face with water and i look at myself and pull up my shirt look's like i lost wight i go to cheak my wight i was 119.4 now it's 103.5 i sigh and pull i back down and go to Will and sit down and get under the blanket's with him and watch a movie and i fall asleep

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