Part 7

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"He said he was building something it was all for El-us" i gulp "Building something? is he talking about the flayed?" "he must be" "so he's building something an army just like we thought" Lucas reply's to Nance and Max "yeah but not to spread" "he's building it for Eleven" Will says i nuzle into his neak more "last year El closed the gate on him" "and that pissed him off" i say "Like royally" Lucas says "and he now know's only El can stop him and he know's Ari is gonna try and kick his ass so he's gonna try and Kill El then her" Mike says i frown my eye brow's "and if she's out then--" "game over" i finish Mike "he also said he was gonna kill all of you" El say's Will hold's my hand  "yeah well that's nice let's just all dig a hole" Lucas says "oh can mine be near Max and El?" i ask they all look at me "sorry" i say Nancy get's up and look's at the window "just the fireworks" Jonathan says "Billy when he told you this it was in this room?" she says me and Eleven nod i turn around and walk to the other window and i smell the rotten bodie's "Ari get away from the door"Will says  "No." i say he pull's me "he know's" we say we go outside and see what we never wanted to see 

i run in and help cover the window's and door's i help get a chai r near a window i see Nancy and Jonathan put the couch near the door "get away from the window's" i stand near Will (ofc) everything starts shaking i hold Will's hand "it's close" i say holding my nose i hear tree's outside a mug falls and breaks i i close my eyes an open them "whered he go?" Max asks then something come's out of the wall i scream and sqeeze Will's hand it comes near El Jonathan hit's it with the axe he get's pushed againt's the wall Nancy shoots the thingit was gonna eat Nance but El stoped it and it goes back "holy mother fucking go--"i get cut off by another one coming through the wall then she stops them and break's there arm's and another one come's from the roof and gab's El's leg run after but the other one grabs my arm "HELP!" we scream Will grabs my leg along with Nancy and Jonathan i  get pulled down and help get El down while Nance trys to shoot the thing "EL! NACNY SHOOT THE MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!" i yell she shoot's it then Lucas take's the  axe and hit's it with it  he mange's to break the arm off i land on the other side of the room i get up and try and move my wrist "fuck!" i wisper and get up then i see Mike trying to get a part off of El's leg he pulls it off and she screams it come's back Will grabs my wrist i yelp's i look's at it and just grab's me Eleven stand's up and rips it apart  i turn and hold onto Will's shoulder's and hug's back i put my head into his chest Max grab's El Mike dose the same on the other side Will help's me up "GO,GO,GO,GO!" Nance yell's "Hurry up come on!" at that point Will pick's me up "OPEN THE GOSH DAMN DOOR!!" I yell at Jonathan Will run's out with me in his arm's and he open's the door and put's me next to him "DRIVE DRIVE!" i yell in pain "sh shsh! it's okay i'm here i'm here!" Will tell's me 

Nance pull's into 'braddleuy's' and Lucas through's a rock throught the window i get out of the car and look at my wrist bleeding and when i get out i hit my wrist on the door i yelp Will help's me in tear's streaming my face he puts me down in an aill i bit my bottem lip "okay put them down. lemme see" Nance says and pull's El's pant leg up there's blood every where Will hold's my hand i shake my head fast "no no no!" i yell at him "hey it's okay it won't hurt" he says i shake my head and try to scramaway sitting down still he grab's my wrist i yell "sorry!" he wipes my tear's while he put's the clothe on my wrist "put peresher on it!" Max yell's froom the other sid eof the store he does i scream "WILL WILL STOP STOP! PLEASE! PLEASE!!!" I yell "i'm sorry!" "someone  get water and soap!" Max says Will hold's my other hand "it's gonna be okay once this is all over we can go back to watching movie's together,laughing,going on ride's, and even being togther just breath in and out slowly." Will tell's me i nod in pain Lucas dumps his bag out "Will any of this stuff help?" Will caries me over next to El "What? no!" Max says going to get another thing now it's just me,Mike,El,Will,Max "go get a wash clothe and a bowl!" Max says Will smack's his arm and goes with him "No don't leave!" i say Will look's at me and wal's away   "you still love him?" El ask's i look at her and nod "i never stoped" i say Max goes to see what's taking them so long i look away "does it hurt?" Mike ask's El 
uh not bad" Eleven says "ur gonna have an awesome scar! you'll look even more badass!"Mike says "Bitchin'" "yeah Bitchin' El..." Mike ask's her "yeah?" "ive been needing to tell you something it's just broken up it's been hard--" i hear the radio i grab it and signal them to keep going he nods "And....i  was jealous at first and--" "thi-s is Du-stin do- yo-u copy? i reap- th- i- a cod- re-" Mike grabs it from my right hand "Dustin!?" "M- ik e-?!" i hear "Dustin!" i say "A- rin -a! ohmygodyouhavetolistenikihavebeenMIAandi'msorryimnotmadimeaniwasbutnotanymore!butiwasalsotrapedunderground" "what the hell is he saying!?" i say  then Nancy and Jonathan come around the corner "what is it?" 

i put my head on Will's shoulder he put's his arm around my waist and hold's my hand Lucas open's 'coke cola' just like my shirt "Quiet" Max tell's him "sorry"  "how do you even drink that?" Mike ask's "bc it's deliciouse!" Lucas tell's Mike i sigh and nuzle more into Will's neak he look's down at me and smiles i smile back "you're insaine" Mike says "so you perfure the orignal thing?"Lucas says me and Will look at each other  "what no i'm not talking about the new thing im talking about 'new coke'" i give Will a 'really!?' look he does the same "it's the same concept dude!" "ugh actually it's not the same concept" "it IS the same concept" "no it's not" "yes it is" "hey!" El says taking off her bindflod "they fight like babies!" i giggle to Will he does to "sorry" "sorry" "did you find them?" i ask 

"the movies? Dustin so freaked out by the gate he watches a movie?!" Lucas ask's i shrug Will hold's my hand "yeah makes total sense!" Lucas keep's saying i roll my eye's "you're positve he said 'gate' not 'great' ?" Max ask's him "yeah like 'this movie i'm watching is great'" Will sujust  i nod "sounded like gate" Max says "witch would exspalin how the mind flayer still alive"Mike says  "yeah we just have to shut it down again" Nancy tell's us "then the monster die's" Will says "but if we always have Lucas's fireworks" i giggle Lucas gives me a death stare i put my hands up "keep mocking my plan Girls keep mocking it!" Lucas yells at us Will rolls his eye's 
"i want to keep 
hearing you mocking it!" Lucas tell's us i shake my head and get into the back with El,and Max 

the car beep's and starts going crazy i walk next to El and bite my lip while looking at the russian Will goes next to me while Mike goes next to El Max goes next to Mike Lucas goes to Will's side Nancy goes next to Max and Jonathan goes next to Will El pushes the car to them and too the other side i see 4 people standing in shock my eye's wide and run to the escalior and run down it and run to them along wiht the other's Dustin laugh's "you flung that thing like a hot wheel!!" he shout's he hug's El,and Mike "Lucas!?" i see Erica say "what are you doing here!?!" Lucas shout's i look at Max "ask them it's there fault!" she point's to mama and Robin (😂) "yeah ture toatally true abslouty!" Steve says "I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT CAR!!!!" Robin says "Eleven has super power's" Dustin says "sorry?" "she has super power's come one catch up she used her mind" i say "that's El?!" Erica says pointitng to El "sorry who are you!?" Nance says "im Robin i work with Steve" "she cracked the top secret code!" Steve says i look at Will "what code?" i ask "Russains" "oh okay?" i say "what Russain's?"Jonathan says  "those where Russian dutch bag! i speek Russian too!" i say "what are we talking about!?" Will ask's "i speek Russian. those.where.Russians." i say to Will "and didn't you hear our dose red!?" Dustin says "no!" i Mike says "god damn low battery!!" my wrist starts to hurt i look at it blood dripping i start to clench my fist and fall i see El fall too Will run's to me along with Jonathan,Nancy,momma,and Robin "woah what's wrong with you too?!" Will ask's he look's at my wrist "shit!" Will says Nance starts to urap the bandage i aruch my back "AHHHHH" i groan when it's done unwraped they look at it and see a big clump Will and Max groan and it starts moving i scream Will holds my other hand 

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