Part 6

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then everyone else get's up then i smell it i plug my nose "ew!" i say and look at Will who's holding his naek "he's here" Will says i breath more and more we run down the hall ingoring the women i keep pressing the elavator "come on!!!" i yell and punch the the button "you piece of shit!!" i yell and stop "Stair's"Mike says we see Jonathan trying to break the glass El break's the wall "Jesus!" Mike yell's "what the f---" Max get intrupted the thing it start's coming toards us El through's it out the window we run down the stair's and open the door and run the "what hell is that thing that thing!" i yell i want to tough it but then i see the bone's OKay nope!" 

"it can't be good for her to be in there this long!" Mike says i take the box away from Lucas and eat some smaker's "mike you need to relax" Max says "oh he never does!" i say in my coke cola gray shirt with some short's (sorry for the person who used this one i just really liked it and i couldn't think of another one bc it took so long for the last one lol) "what if she get's....brain damage or something?!" i put my head on Will's shoulder Nance look's at me i take my head off and put my hand's off and go to the bathroom "oh shit is that stuff like real thing?" i hear Lucas say "no it's not he made it up!" i hear Max yell i look at the scar from what Billy did i sigh "Mike doesn't know what the hell he's talking about!" i yell "oh and you girlie's do?" he yell's banging on the door "No we--" i open the door and walk out and go out side and just sit down and then i see someone do the same Will "hey" he says "hi" "there crazy"he laugh's i smile i put my head on his shoulder "you're hair smell's good" i giggle we look at each other and lean in a little "shut up! i'm trying to seeeeeee!" "are they kissing?!" "no ding bat there--looking at us!!" Max yell's we laugh i get up "were you going?" "inside i'm thursty!" i say he get's up and we go in holding hand's

"any luck" i ask still holding Will's hand "what they've just stoped out of the blue?" Nance says "maybe they have all the chemical's they need? maybe they turned into those thing's?" Will says "but what about the sorce? i mean did the mind flayer just suddenly stop infecting people? and even if the mind flayed are monster's now,why can't El even find them?" Nance says i shrug then Max,Mike come over to us "okay can you guy's settle an arumeant for us?" Max look's at me and Will "who do you think should decide Els limit's? Eleven or Mike?" "the way you frame that is bullshit!" Mike say's pointing his finger to her "it's not bullshit Mike" i say "this is you're whole problem! and it's also precisley the reason Eleven dumped you're ass!" Max yell's i look at Will "El dumped you!?" Nancy say's "yeah bc she's cocipering against me!" "no lighting her!" me,Will,and Lucas all look at each other "she riscking her for no reason!" "for no reason?!" me and Nancy yell "Mike the flayer out there doing god know's what!" Nancy yell's "killing,flaying" Lucas says "transforming into monster's" Will says "and El's not stupid! she know's her abitlies better then any off us " Nancy says "exsacy thank you!" Max says "and she's her own free person" i nod "El has saved the world twice and Mike still doesn't trust her!" "you wanna talk about trust really!? you made Eleven spy on us!?" "wait what?"Will says  "what?!" Lucas says he let's go of my hand "oh they didn't tell you?!" i look down "No!" they both say "you're girlfriend's used El's super power's to spy on us!" i get up and walk out the door and slam it "she's not my girlfriend!" i hear Will yell i sit down in the wood's and let tear's fall i wipe them and go back inside "why are we even talking about this searoily!?"Max yell's  "yeah who care's!" Will says "i care!" Lucas yell's back "yeah i guess girlfriend's don't lie they spy!" "he's not my boyfriend!" i yell "we where just joking around!" "what it would be so funny if i was taking a masive shit or something?!" "but you wren't"Max yell's back  "but what if i was!" Mike says "then gross!"i say  "seriously Mike!" Nance says "i'm just trying to tell you how careless Max and Arianna are with her power's!" Mike yell's "infact how careless all of you guy's are! you're treating her like a magine when she's not! and i don't want her to die looking for the flayed! when they obeasly vashined from the face of earth so can we please come up with a new plan bc i love her and i can't loose her again--" "Mike we get it--" Will says "no no you don't get it imagen you where me and Ari was El would you be saying what i am?!" "wha--" "oh we saw you out there!" "shut up!" Eleven says opening the door "whats going on?" "nothing.." i say 

El rip's off the blindfold i while i'm next to Max and Will i glare at Will my eye's start to water i hide it though "what's he doing now?" i ask getting a tishoe "And that's not normal right?" "Billy staying home on 4th of July? no way!" i put my head on Will's shoulder "he want's us to find him"Will says playing with my hair "yeah that's what i'm afraid of" Nance says "if we  go to Billy then the rest off the Flayed know where we are" i say "it's a trap i agree we'll be ambushed." Mike says "we'll not be suprised! we would know there coming and we'll kick there flayed ass's!" "you mean El?" Max says "it's to risky killing the mind flayed won't stop the mind flayer" Nancy says "we have to find out where it's coming from we find the sorce " "Billy know's it Billy's been there" "maybe there's a way i can get in there too so if El get's stuck i can help? bc if she does she can't go back i would have to help her" they all nod "wait why you?" Mike says "bc ive known her for the longest" i say El nod's "i-i" Mike sigh's "yeah but it's a trap" "we know but we have too puls if i get stuck she can help me too" i say "we can't go to Billy that's why where doing this" El says i nod 

me and El sit down i hold her hand and put the blindfold on i sigh "Ari ik you think you have to do this but you don't!" Will says "ik he can't do anything too me only her" and i will do whatever i can to save her if she need's it" i say "Will i we need you to trust us" El says i see Billy on his bed we walk slowly to him El hold's his right hand i hold his left "Billy" i say he look's up as if he can see both of us "can you hear me?" El ask's "we want to see" i say "we want to see what happened" she says he grab's both of our wrist *what i thought he couldn't see me?!* and i start breathing like crazy "stop! no no no!!" El yell's "get off of me!"we try to push away when we do he let's go i yell when we fall but it was like slow mo i soon get flashback's all coming at me not be able to make them out when we tough the floor where on a beach i lift her up all wet then we hear Echoing "El,Ari you okay?" "yeah yeah where fine" i say "what's going on?" i hear Will say worried "where on a beach" "What else do you see?" we hear max say "a-a women she's pretty" me and El say pretty at the same time "i think she's looking at me and El" we see a boy run past us "there's a boy" El says "it's Billy" i say "it's Califorina it's a memory" "i think we see it" El says "the sorce" i say we walk to the what we call the sorce but it was all lightning and red clouds we keep walking then we see little whit thing's floating around "hey Billy stop! what the hell is wrong with you huh? what did we talk about!? you gotta slide!" "i know!" "wait you're afarid you gonna get hurt is that so!?" "No." "well then what then!?" me and El look at each other wide eyed "what did i raise a pussy or something?! HUH!?" '"leave me alone!" i hear Billy say "hey! that's right run like you alway do pussy!" " me and El run after Billy i stop and look at the man El pull's me with her "where were you last night? where were you!?" i hear a man yell "i told you i was with Wendy!" " stop lying! to me!" " im not lying to you!" "son of a bitch! you saw him again didn't you didn't you?!" "get away from me!" "you-you whore!" "stop it!" i hear Billy yell "Bitch!" "don't hurt her!" 'you basteard!" i look at El wit tear's streaming down my face rembering what i did to Will El put's her hand to he mouth as the man knock's her out "OML!" I yell "mom!" i hear Billy yell  "i don't understand why not? please mom don't do this! i love you! mom! mom!" "how long!?" "get back here! get up fight me fight me you big pussy!! PUSSY!" "Billy come over here i want you to meet someone this is you're new sister Maxine" "Max" "shake her hand i said shake it!" "who's there?! i said who's there!?" i look at El all we hear is screaming then the storm stop's all we see is red sky's we keep walking and see a car we look up at the sky "i think we found it" El says "where!?" Max says we look around "Brimbron...steelwork's" i say "guy's we found it get out of there!" i hear Mike say i close my eye's we rip the blindfold off and see no one there just us "Mike?" "Will?" i say "Mike!?" "Will!?" "MIKE?" "WILL?" "MIKE!?" "WILL!?" but there was no one "he can't hear you" we hear Billy say i turn and see Billy "you shouldn't have looked for me bc now i see you now we can all see you" El and i start backing up "you..let us in and now you are going to let us stay don't you see? all this time.." i put El behind me "we've been building it" El sob's "for you" Billy says "i won't let you hurt her!" i yell "oh that's where you're wrong! all that work all that pain all of it for you and now it's time" i let's tear's roll down my face "to end it and where going to end you all of you" "No!" sh yell's i shake my head "get away!" El says pushing him with her power's then we rip off our blindfold's shaking her going to Mike and Will coming to me i cry into his chest "No No No!" i scream "sh sh sh!" Will say sand rub's my back i sqeeze him as tight as i can and let everything out "NO NO NO NO NO!!!!" I scream and yell 

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