Part 5

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"does it still hurt?" Max ask's "only when i talk" El say i nod "well good thing Eleven's not Mike then it would really hurt blablaabbasba" Max says we laugh "something's not right i have Hopper on my back all summer! and now he's hicking with Joyce?! to IlInoy? and Dustin MIA too? i mean this can't be a coincidence!" we hear Mike say "anyway's i saw Will holding you" Max says i look at here and wipe the blood off my wrist "oh come on don't do this he obviously still love's you!" Max says "i mean he huged you an--" "idc what he did if Dustin was there he do the same thing nothing new!" then we hear Will and Mike talking about El "it wasn't!"i say and open the door to go to the couch and lay there and take Lucas's 'coco puffs' then we hear a knock "not now mom!" i yell " Arianna Ellie Wheeler open this door!" Nance says i go up and open the door and i see Nance and Jonathan 

"it was the same thing,the exact same thing that happened to Will last year.and look at this look at the body temperatures" Nance says and put's it on the table i sit next to Max and Will on his right and Max is on my right i look at it "he like's it cold" Will says "okay so this crazy old woman was eating fertilizer---" Mike get's cut off by Nance "Mrs.Driscoll" "right,yeah Mrs.Driscoll whar time was this attack?" "last night" Nance says again "no dumby what time!?" i ask her "around 9:00" "you waited all night to call?" Jonathan says looking at her "i-i was waiting for the doctor's to run test" she says i put my head on Will's shoulder "you wren't there?" Will ask's "well i'm here now airn't i?" Jonathan says to Will "Hualigh!" Nancy says i roll my eye's "ooh" Lucas says "um so wha--what time was you're sauna test?" Nance ask's "around 9:00" we all say "well that proves it  that proves my throey" Nancy says "she's flayed just like...Billy and--" "me...he but it didn't hurt me just like lsat year it only hurt me when we where doing test Will said it burned it felt like a knife through me but i think he left for another one" i say "he's not in you bc he know's we would know" Will says i nod "but if there are 2 flaye's--" "we have to asume there's more" me and Will say at the same time "Heather" El says "Billy was doing something to her she was scared she was screaming bad screams" El says "what's a good scream?" "Max sai--" "doesn't matter" i say "sorry lost who's Heather?" Nancy says "she's a pretty life gard at the pool" i say "Heather Holloway?" me,Max,and Eleven nod then Nance and Jonathan say "Tom" 

me and El and Max get in the back while Lucas,Will,and Mike go to the trunk thing "seriously?" "welcome to my world " Will says they get in the trunk i buckle and look behind me and smile to Will he smile's back then Nancy drive's back into the bike's "really Nance?!" "sorry!" 

Jonathan ring's the door bell i sigh me and Will hold hand's Nance ring's it again then El open's the door "Tom?" Nance ask's "Heather?" "it's freezing!" i inhaile "do you guy's smell that?" Nance says i look to the kitchen "oh!" i cover my nose "more chemicail's!" i Nance says 'you think there eating this shit?" Jonathan says "yeah either that or there going on a hell cleaning spree" I Say "but last year Will didn't eat chemilcal's did you?"Max says i nod "no thi-this is something new" Will says "Mr.Clarke 5th grade posit! what happen's when you mis chemicails togeather?" " you create a new subdance" me lucas and will say "what if there making something?" i say going to tough it Will pull's me back i look at him "in themselve's?" Max says "i mean come on if you drink this crap it Will kill you!" Max says "yeah if you're human!" Lucas says i speed walk to the dinning room 'this was the same the same! when me,Max,and El went here she was cooking cookie's and asked if we wanted one i took one and though it into the bushes and they where having this for dinner!" i yell and then Nance look's to the floor and see's a wine bottle for whatever and see blood "blood yesterday Tom had a bandage on his forhead" she pick's up the wine bottle "he was attacked" we walk with Nancy to another room and she open's the door we all walk in "they must have tied him they muust have taken them somewhere" Jonathan says "Ms.Driscoll she kept saying i have to go back "what if the flaying it's taking place somewhere else? there must be a place where all this started right a scorce" "somewhere he didn't want me to see" Eleven says "if we can find the sorce maybe we can stop him or at least stop from spreading or doing whatever the hell he's doing with those chemical's " Nance says i nod "how do we find it?"  ask "Mrs.Driscoll" Will says i look at him "if she want's to go back so Badly why don't we let her?" Will says 

"thank's" i say to Will who opened my door "you're welcome" we walk in "no that's is not mean that is honest! she won't find out see you're the only one who gon'tell-- whoa whoa whoa! Excuse me!" she says stoping us i look to her "where do ya'll think yo goin?" she says "oh um..we where just going to visit our granny again!" Nance says all nicely "and--and this is!" "mhm" the women says pulling her glasses to her nose and looking at Lucas "Extended" "idc who they are you know the rule's two at a time!" she says i nod and sit down in a chair "this girl lost her mind she brout a whole zoo in here!" the women says 

"oh come on you piece of shit!!" Mike yell's at the vending magine then all the Snack's fall they look at El she wipe's her nose Will goes over get's some Reese's and sit's next to me "hey that day um at 'Star court' um i didn't really mean what i said you treating me like a pet...."i sad to him "i know" i make a weird face "you love me!" i push him and laugh he give's me some Reese's i put my head on his shoulder "Mike's going over to Eleven he obvesly doesn't know what 'i dump ur ass mean's' i giggle "i guess you don't either" i say "hey! i said i was sorry and i gave you Reese's!" "i'm joking!" i say and look at him we lean in but then the light's start flashing me and Will get up and look at them 

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