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When Mizuki left the kindergarten, her date for the night was already patiently waiting outside

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When Mizuki left the kindergarten, her date for the night was already patiently waiting outside.

Hawks was leaning against a wall with his wings tucked neatly behind him. Strands of his windswept hair fell on his face as he continued typing away on his phone. His fingers stopped for a moment and Mizuki saw his honeyed eyes moving as they read, what she assumed, was a text.

Streaks of light from the setting sun danced on his features in the most beautiful way and Mizuki could see just how perfect he really was. She must've been lost in thought, admiring this Greek god of a man because the next thing she knew, he was in front of her, flailing his hands around.

"Yoo-hoo! Ding dong. Anyone home? Helloooo?"

A Greek god with a bag of peanuts for a brain.

She rolled her eyes as she pushed his hands away from her face. "Hi, Hawks."

He grinned enthusiastically. "You ready to have the best time of your life, dovey?"


"That's what I like to hear!" he cheered, using his wing to gently nudge her in the right direction.

"So what's this all about?" she asked cooly as they walked towards the heart of Fukuoka.

"Hm?" Hawks was whistling some random song that she didn't recognize as they walked.

"Why are we going to dinner together?" she blurted out, not so cooly. Her outburst caused him to stop his whistling for a moment before he continued.

"Your memory, dovey. I promised you I'd help you get it back. And I plan on keeping that promise," he simply said, shoving his hands into his pant pockets.

Mizuki had almost forgotten about that. She'd been so woozy from the morphine and exhaustion, it must've slipped her mind when she fell asleep.

At this, she found her cheeks heating up, causing her eyes to immediately revert to the ground. Curse him for being such a good hero.

"I....Thank you," she whispered, clearing her throat at the emotions that suddenly consumed her. Why did she feel so warm around him?

Hawks gave her a smile, a genuine one. "C'mon, don't go all soft on me now. The night's barely begun. I haven't even impressed you yet!" he whined.

"Oh, shut up. I wasn't going soft," she argued, crossing her arms across her chest. She was definitely going soft.

"You so were," he laughed. "Don't fret, dovey. I won't chirp a word. It'll be our little secret."

Not even a minute later, he giggled to himself and, to Mizuki's horror, began loudly singing a tune he'd made up on the spot.

"Soft little Zuki, cute as a pookie, she has nice boo-"

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