Chapter 4

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•I don't own Hetalia, if I did I wouldn't be writing this.

It had bee a week since England had last seen America, the Brit was at a world meeting, waiting for the American to show up. The meeting started and America still didn't show up, England frowned and tried to get it out of his head, but he just couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was wrong. During the first 10 minute interval England called America, hoping that he would answer and talk to him.

America was sitting on his bed, bags under his eyes and much thinner than he had ever been before. He hadn't showered, slept, changed his clothes and he had barely eaten anything since England left. He wasn't even thinking about going to the meeting, he was thinking about how much of an idiot he was. The phone rang and he ignored it, he didn't want to speak to anyone, he may start to cry again. His eyes were red and swollen from the amount of tears that had passed through. He sighed and tried to block out the noise the phone was making, the words were still written on his arms, he kept carving them into his skin to stop them from healing. He didn't want to forget those words.

"Damn, why won't you pick up" England muttered, he had phoned America several times during the break and each time he hadn't picked up, he was getting extremely worried. Germany announced that the meeting was starting back up and everyone took their seats. America was called up and many countries shared a mean comment and then a relieved one when they discovered that he was absent. England held in his anger, doing his best not to yell at everyone and telling them what horrible people the really were. But he failed at that. He sprang up from his chair and started to shout with such viciousness that he swore he saw Russia show emotion.
"LISTEN HERE! Thanks to us America is fucking miserable! He is sick jumping through hoops trying to get us to appreciate him and take him seriously! And all we do is mock him and put him down! Well not anymore! ADIOS WANKERS!" And with that England left, ignoring the shocked looks from everyone in the room, walking out of the building and going to the airport. He was determined to get America to speak to him.

America shoved another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth, it was the only thing to touch his lips, the only thing he ate. He had replaced all the windows in his house with a grey plastic, it was thick and bullet proof, the doors were thick wood that could not be broken down easily, he was willing to do anything to keep people away from him. England arrived at Americas house and knocked loudly on the door, the sound sticks to the wood and America does not hear him knocking, he continues eating his ice cream, opening the next tub and digging in the spoon. England sighs and opens the letter box, shouting as loud as he can.
"AMERICA COME DOWN HERE IM WORRIED ABOUT YOU" he hears it echo inside the house, there was no way America could ignore it. He waited for America to appear but he didn't. He forced back the tears and left, going back to England, his happiness crushed.

England stopped attending the world meetings, he didn't see the need for him to go anymore, his country was slowly suffering. He spent all his time trying to contact America, phone calls and emails, always ignored. He started to suspect that America had destroyed his phone and computer, an excuse for him no to see the messages. He sent America a letter, knowing that he would receive it. Days had passed when England receive his reply.
I'm fine
He quickly wrote out his reply and sent it.
I don't believe you America. Talk to me face to face then I will - England
When England got his letter back he bit his lip, trying to stop the tears than threatened to fall.
No phone so gonna need to believe my writing. You need to go out again. If you do then the other countries will have it easier. They can't keep looking after Britain, that's your job.
England sighed and started to write, his hand shaking slightly, tears escaped him and splattering on the crisp white paper.
Your a world superpower, we all need you, don't lead your country into despair. We all want to help you, people are worried...I'm worried. Please, come back. - England

When America read the letter he sighed. He didn't want to continue this, he shredded the letter and didn't write back. He was ending this chain. He needed to be took seriously. No matter what the cost. Just then he had an idea.
Let's start a war.

This was created by me and mlphetalialuv so I hoped you've enjoyed it so far! ^_^

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