Chapter 14: Mission Accomplished

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Waking on the soft bed of the hotel, warm orange and purple hues sneaked through the window. But I wasn't alone. My head and right hand were resting on James' chest. Our legs were tangled together, and his arms were lightly wrapped around me. I looked up to see him still asleep. He looked peaceful as if he'd never had rest before. The rise and fall of his chest was rhythmic. I so desperately wanted to remain this way- safe and warm with him. I didn't want to wake him, but I knew we had to leave before SHIELD got too close or Williams grew impatient. I gradually propped myself up and untangled myself from him causing him to wake. I apologized for waking him and for our position, and insisted we left before anyone spotted us.
We loaded the SUV and drove back to the dreadful base. The sun had not yet fully risen. The view of it outside the window was breathtaking. I took in the sight knowing I'd miss it for I was always confined to the concrete walls of my prison unless William's was with me.
Arriving at the base, we delivered the USB and pictures of our stalking to Williams to which he was undoubtedly pleased.
"Good work. I knew with some help you'd turn out to be an excellent soldier," Williams said before turning to look at me, "You wouldn't happen to be responsible for Goulding's dramatic death, would you?"
"You said to kill whoever got in the way. He got in my way." I responded.
"Good work. Making it look like a suicide," He then turned to James, "Careful, she might come for your job."
I pretended I thought his joke was funny and giggled before continuing our mission report, "SHIELD was there. I think they're protecting Reynolds."
"Indeed they are," he said
"I have another way to get to him. I hit it off with his wife. She gave me her number to hang out and stuff. We could use that, right?"
"Good job Vixen! Yes, we have to be careful to not alarm SHIELD, but I'll get you a phone to begin contact. Make her believe you're friends. Get information from her. This could be of good use to us. I'm very proud."
I smiled and walked out with James. He went to his room while I was stopped by Emma who asked about the dress she lent me and the event I'd used it at. We conversed and met up with the rest of the team. Kai made his usual snarky remarks and Derek kept his gentle flirty persona. Henry and Emma were the only sane ones in my eyes.

The days past by with rapid pace. Most days were filled with training or spending time with the team updating each other on missions. Occasionally I'd train a bit with them too if I was bored. Every so often Williams would send me on more missions with James. Nights like the one we shared on our last day at the hotel were not repeated, but we still had our late night talks. His memory was a struggle to recover, but bit by bit we were hitting breakthroughs. James always gave me a sense of hope. Being with each other made us forget our imprisonment. It was painful having to pretend to hate him in front of everyone else. If anyone knew about our bond, they'd surely use it against us.
Williams trusted me enough now to give me a cell phone where I could stay in contact with Erin Reynolds and keep gaining whatever intel I could get from her. I'd mostly just talk on the phone with her or meet her at her home for coffee. Despite how much she'd rant and cry over the lack of attention from her husband, she was always so kind to me and a genuine good friend. I'd refrain from giving details about my life but made up the ones that I did. It made me feel guilty for using her for HYDRA's benefit. There were so many times where I wanted to tell her the truth, and ask for help. But I knew there were grave consequences if I did that. I had to plan a meticulous escape for us.
From what I was told, another agent of this foul organization was already blackmailing Eric Reynolds with exposing his baggage to the world, which seemed to be more than just an affair. He complied with whatever it was that they'd ask of him. One of the many threats they made, killing his wife and mistress was the one that shook him the most. Erin was such a woman with a good heart who didn't deserve any of what was happening. A part of me was glad that I got to spend time with her so I had a peace of mind that she was partially safe with me.

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