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Seulgi felt Sooyoung tap her shoulder, bringing her senses back into the Control Room.

"Captain Seulgi, are you okay?" asked Commander Sunny.

"Yes, Commander."

"Good. I'll leave this now to you. Assemble your team. You'll depart in thirty minutes."

"Thank you, Commander." All of Troop C gave a salute as Commander Sunny leaves the room.

"So, what's the plan, Cap?" asked Amber.

"The four of us will go there," said Seulgi, looking at everyone. "Amber, Sooyoung, you'll be the Chainers. I'll be the Finisher. Krystal, you do love kids, right?"

"I do, captain! What should I do then?" asked Krystal.

"Babysit. You handle the kid while we handle the Evens."

"Truly heroic," teased Amber. Krystal just rolled her eyes in annoyance.

There was a knock on the door. An AEF personnel stepped in. "Uh... Captain Seulgi...?"


"Kim Joohyun is here in headquarters. Commander Sunny asked me to tell you to talk to her."

Seulgi, who's unsure of what to react, looked at Sooyoung for help.

"Please take her to the Interview Room. We'll meet her there," said Sooyoung.

"Roger that. Thank you."

After the AEF personnel left, Seulgi animatedly asked Sooyoung what she should do. Sooyoung just shrugged. "We have to talk to her."

"Hey, what's up?" asked Amber. "Why are you two acting weird about this?"

Sooyoung turned to Amber. "Well, the thing is--"

"We have plenty of time to talk about that later," said Seulgi, sighing. "Amber and Krystal, prepare for our departure now. Make sure to bring extra bullets and boosters. We don't know what's waiting for us there. Sooyoung, check the weather report, we want to know if we're expecting another rain in the next two hours. Let's rendezvous in Gate A in fifteen minutes. Copy that?"

"Roger, Captain!" everyone said.

"Let's get started so we can go over with this as soon as we can."


The Interview Room is a plain room with a few pieces of furniture bolted on the floor: one rectangle table and four chairs. There's a curtained window on one side of the wall and a large two-way mirror opposite it. The mirror's treated side is facing the Interview Room, while the untreated side gives a view to another room next to it.

Seulgi is currently in that dark room, looking at the two-way mirror, waiting for that someone to come in. She knows it. Any minute now, someone will come through that door and will sit on one of the chairs. Seulgi's job is to talk to that person and assure her that everything will be alright. Seulgi has done this many times now. She knows what exactly she needs to do and what she needs to say.

It's that simple.

The problem is, for whatever reason, she's freaking nervous right now. The idea of being with Joohyun face to face after so many years is driving her nuts. She's already tried rehearsing the scene on her mind, memorising the order of her dialogue, imagining how Joohyun would react, and planning a solution to it.

But in the end, she came up with nothing. She knows she's going to lose it.

"It's just her. You've got to pull yourself together," she told herself.

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