The sorting hat

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Allison Potter (Alli/Al)'s POV:
"Al...Alli.....ALLI WAKE UP!" I am startled awake by Harry screaming in my ear. I should be excited to start at Hogwarts but I know it's going to be the same as my other school not to mention it started on August first... which is today

"OH SH-!"

"Finish that sentence I dare you." Harry says getting off my bed.

"Sorry...but we have to leave like right now!" I say checking my clock we only have an hour left to get to platform 9 3/4 before the train leaves.

"That's why I was awaking you from your slumber." Harry says almost shakespearean.

*Time skip to platform 9 3/4*

"Alright mom I have to go love you." I say to my mom who has tears in her eyes

"I'm gonna miss my baby so much." She sobs while pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Mom I'm not a baby I'm 15, besides I'll owl you and so will Harry."

"O-okay I love you sweetheart." She sobs one last time.

"Love you too mom I have to go." I say quickly rushing onto the train. I walk around a bit before finding Harry,Ron,and Hermione all seated together in a train cart.

"Hey Al!" Hermione said pulling me into a hug

"Hey mione." I say me and Hermione have always been close and when I told her I would be transferring to Hogwarts for year 4 she got so excited she hugged me and almost broke my ribs. Ron,her boyfriend and Harry's best friend was like a second brother to me so I  went over to him and hugged him too then sat down next to Harry.

A few minutes later the door was opened by a beautiful blond haired bloke. He entered the train cart and looked at Harry before yelling an insult at Harry that I didn't hear because I was distracted by his beauty.

"Shove off Malfoy." Harry said snapping me out of my daze.
Malfoy rolled his eyes before turning his gaze to me he looked into my eyes and smiled at me I could feel my face burn up.

"Did Potter finally get himself a know she's way to pretty for you." He states my heart began beating faster which I didn't know was possible.

"Ewww Draco she's my sister." Harry states looking him dead in the eyes.

"Oh well then I might just have to take her out myself." Draco states while looking at me and winking.

"That was smooth." I think to myself

"DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT MAFLOY." Harry says getting out of his seat and walking towards Draco.

"Woah-woah take it easy there buster I'll stay away but I can't promise the others won't I mean look at her she's a stone cold fox." And that was all it took before Harry threw a punch across Draco's jaw.

"BLOODY HELL POTTER I WAS JUST MESSING AROUND." Draco yells before shoving Harry by now a crowed had formed around the train cart. I was just standing there in horror as I watched them attack each other like there was no tomorrow which if they kept fighting like this there may not have been.

Eventually I stepped in walking out of the cart pulling Harry off of Draco.

"Harry you're acting like a child!" I yelled the crowed went silent.

"What was I supposed to do just let him call you a "stone cold fox" right in front of me?"

"He's not wrong." A boy murmured in the crowed a few of his friends agreeing which earned all of them a slap across the face courtesy of Harry.

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