The sorting hat part 2

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Allison's POV:
"How about..." the hats loud voice boomed above me.

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat said my jaw as well as Harry,Ron,and Hermione's dropped I look over at the cheering Slytherin table and se Draco sitting there clapping that a smirk on his face.

I don't know how I am Slytherin but I guess I have to be the hat made it's decision I get up and walk over to the Slytherin table a few boys catcalling or whistling at me before Draco stands up and slaps them...woah what is happening why is everyone trying it protect me I can fend for myself.

Draco them grabs me by my wrist leading me over to where he and a girl with short black hair much like mine were sitting.

"'re making a scene." I say just above a whisper he turns to me and says

"I know how those boys are and what they have done to other girls so if anything I am protecting you." He says pulling me a little closer to him. I turn over to the Gryffindor table to see Harry his face bright red with anger. I knew I was gonna get yelled at once he got a hold of me. He has always been like that even back in muggle school when boys would whistle at me they would always get Harry's fist in their face.

We eventually reached the seats I turned to the girl who had a smile on her face.

"Hi I'm Pansy Parkinson but you can call me Pans." She said.

"Okay well hi Pans I'm Allison but you can call me Al." I said in response. We chatted for a little I look back over at Harry and he still looked very angry but it wasn't my fault I'm Slytherin and not Gryffindor and he just has to accept that.

Draco's POV:

"How about SLYTHERIN!" The hat says I couldn't help but smirk as Alli's jaw dropped and I look over to where Pot-uh I mean Harry was seated his face red with anger.

"This is gonna be an interesting year." I mumble as she begins to walk over boys start catcalling and whistling at her "pigs" I think to myself as I stand up and  slap the boys grabbing her wrist after making sure I don't hurt her.

I begin to pull her to where me and Pansy were sitting I think Pansy would like Alli so I wanted to introduce them.

"'re making a scene." She says quietly

"I know how those boys are and what they have done to girls so if anything I'm protecting you." I say, and I wasn't lying the Slytherin boys were disgusting and had no respect for consent or decency I knew I was going to have to protect Alli from them.

She was probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and the most beautiful girl in the school by far and I knew all the boys would be waiting at her doorstep. "Not on my watch" I thought just as we sat down her and Pansy started talking i could already tell they were going to be friends.

Blaise, the only other respectable boy in Slytherin other than myself turns to me and goes.

"looks like someone is getting overprotective of their little girlfriend."  I roll my eyes

"She's not my girlfriend...yet and either way what they were doing was wrong and she was clearly uncomfortable." I said though we both knew if it had been any other girl getting catcalled I wouldn't have cared as much.

"Right.." Blaise said sarcastically.

"If you really want to protect her you know you're gonna have to fend off the boys like the animals they are." I knew he was right and I was hoping we had classes together since I was also in my 5th year I know Potter is a year older than me but that doesn't stop me from messing with him I mean come on he deserves it most the time.

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