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          The racing of her heart let her know she was alive. Excitement coursed through her like it was another element of her blood. She'd never felt so free. The worry in the back of her mind was melting away with every heavy step of her feet. She felt the grass tickle her feet and brush her free hand. She looked out to see her other hand stretched in front of her. His bright, excited, brown eyes led her further from their origin point. His smile seemed to be the source of light for the whole meadow. His strong arm outstretched to lead her caused a weakness in her stomach. The further they ran, the more she could hear the rushing of her blood in her ears.

"Stop here." He came to a complete stop. She halted beside him, gazing out to the ocean over the cliff.

"Why are we here?" She inquired with a bright smile. She didn't care where he took her as long as he stayed with her. He was all she needed for a beautiful view.

"I come here to think of you." He answered with a smile to match hers. She felt her legs turn to mush at the confession. "The first time I saw you. I came here and compared your hair to the white of the flowers, your eyes to the ocean, your smile to the sunlight." He took her in his arms, a most scandalous thing for the differences they possessed.

"I compared you to the moon." She divulged. His smirk told her he wanted an explanation. "Always there. Never truly leaving your side. Though you must disappear when I want you most, I always feel your love." She beamed at him.

His smile disappeared and he held her tighter, "Soon, you won't have to worry about being without me."

"Hush." She placed her fingers over his mouth. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

"I'm gonna keep it." He pressed his lips to her forehead. She let her eyes slide closed, settling into his embrace. "The Gods wouldn't keep us apart forever."

"We're not apart. We're here now." She smiled up at him with tear filled eyes and a weak smile.

"It won't be like this for all time." He whispered. She leaned into his strong frame, wanting the comfort of his proximity . "Let's not worry now. We're together in this moment." She agreed with a single nod. He took her hand once more, leading her to the small grove of olive trees near by.

          They sat in the shade of the olive tree, entangled in each other. Their quiet conversation barely audible over the crashing of the waves and the sound of birds overhead. The moment was one she thought the poets would write. His soft caress against her skin made her shiver with delight and anticipation.

"I wish there was a way to compliment your beauty more, but we know that the Gods can be spiteful." He murmured against her ear.

She giggled, "Don't be disrespectful." His laugh filled her ear as he pulled her closer. "Maybe this is your punishment for being so spiteful yourself."

"The Gods wouldn't deprive even the most spiteful, ingrate of the love they want." He responded with gusto. He would never let her begin to believe the Gods were behind their pain.

"I think you're right. Even the God of the underworld would see and have compassion." Her eyes filled with light and hope. His heart warmed at the intensity of her happiness. He leaned in with a grin. His lips melding to hers as they were two pieces of stone, meant to be one.

        She sank into his kiss, bliss taking over her emotions. She wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer. The sun was about to set and she knew their time together would have to come to an end. She had no doubt her parents were beginning to wonder where she'd gone off to.

"I wish you could stay." He breathed against her mouth.

"I don't have to go just yet." She murmured. Her grip on his neck tightened. A squeal of excitement and surprise escaped her lips as he flipped her over. He laid her back in the grass gently, his hand behind her head.

His lips met hers with fire. She gladly relaxed into the earth, thanking the Gods for the time she was getting with the man in her arms. The sudden sound of her father's voice separated them.

"You have to go." She stated, pushing against his chest. "You have to hide." She pleaded as he pulled her up from the ground.

"Come with me." He begged. She shook her head. "Hide with me." He pleaded.

"I just...I can't..." She tried to find the words of worry but didn't know how. She knew her father and others were approaching. If she didn't convince her lover to leave, they would be caught and hell would break loose.

"Up in the tree. Come on." He pushed her gently toward it. He lifted her onto the first branches and followed soon after. They needed to be quick and quiet.

          She jolted awake. Her eyes searched her surroundings quickly. She was in her bedroom. Safe in her room. She glanced to her side to see he was still sound asleep next to her. She ran her hands through her hair, trying to relieve the stress.

"What's wrong, babe?" His tone was very much groggy. He turned his head to look at the clock. "It's two in the morning. Are you okay?" He showed concern even though he was still half asleep.

"Dream." She answered softly, reclining into her pillows. He wound his arms around her waist protectively. "It was so real." Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Hush." He whispered, pressing his lips to her temple. "It wasn't real, babe. You're right here with me. I'm not gonna let your dreams get you." His voice was teasing but she knew he meant it. "Go back to sleep." She cuddled closer, pressing her forehead to his. She couldn't fight the tears any longer with his smell and warmth filling her senses. "Why are you crying?" He inquired. His concern overpowered his exhaustion.

"It was so real." She whispered again. He hushed her and held her tighter.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, knowing she needed to get it off her chest.

"It was like a scene from a movie." She explained. "I could smell the ocean, the grass. I could hear every single thing like it was right here in this room."

"Well, you did watch that documentary about dreams." He tried to give a logical explanation for her feelings.

She shrugged, "Maybe. I don't know. But it felt so... normal? Like I'd done it before, like I'd been there before."

"Where were you?" He was becoming more fascinated with what she saw in her sleep.
"I'm not sure really." She began to tell him all about the place she'd been in. The color of the grass, the sound of the water, the scent of the tree.

"Weird." He grunted. "But it was still just a dream. We're here in this bed and nothing is going to hurt you. I'm not going anywhere." She nodded slowly. "Go back to sleep. We can talk about it more in the morning."

"Yeah." She whispered, trying to relax into his arms. For some reason, she was finding it difficult to be in his arms. She wanted to fall into him and feel safe and at peace, but it wasn't happening.

"Hey it's okay. It was just a dream." He pulled her closer, kissing her hair. "I'm right here. When you wake up, it'll still be me here, not whatever place you saw in your dream." He assured her. She nodded and closed her eyes. She focused on relaxing and ridding her mind of the dream world she so badly wanted to return to.

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