Chapter 8 - Rejected Subjects

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It was a bloodbath. A lot of innocent people died in just a few seconds.

"Wake up! Please wake up!" Miya cried.

I got to my feet and noticed a warm sensation on the right upper part of my chest. I touched it, and I can see blood on my hands.

So I got hit. I didn't even realize.

"He will not wake up Miya." I said in a perpetually tired voice.

"He still has a pulse! We can't give up on him!"

What is she talking about?

"That can't be, I just checked his pulse earlier and-"

"Steve! Help!" she called.

Steve walked out of the cabin with Zachia and rushed towards us. But as soon as they saw Zack's body, not a single word came out of their mouths.

"What are you two doing?! Help him!" Miya shouted, which snapped both of them back to reality.

"Steve," Zachia called as she lifted Zack's lower body.

"I got his back. Let's get him inside quick!"

I can hear gunshots in the distance. It looks like David and his men are still chasing those traitors.

I can't just sit around here doing nothing.

"And where are you going?" Miya asked.

"David needs some help. I'll go join them."

"You've been shot, Cyra. You're losing blood! You won't even last an hour!"

"I ain't dying from a gunshot." I started walking in the direction of the gate, but she grabbed my arm.

"No, you're not going anywhere! You should be inside and get your wound cleaned!"

"Listen, Miya, I have to be there before those two bastards escape this place!" I chided.

"Then I'm coming with you."

"You can't... Zack needs you."

I can't believe Zack's still alive. I must have been imagining things earlier when I checked his pulse.

"Miya! Get Rachelle here!" Steve shouted.

"O-okay!" She let go of my arm and looked at me one last time before running towards the cafeteria.

I stared at my arm and saw blood flowing down from my right upper chest. I applied pressure to stop the bleeding, but I regretted it.

Crap! This hurts like hell!

It looks like I have no choice but to agree with Miya. I can already feel myself weakening every second. Maybe this is the result of the blood loss I'm experiencing right now.

I took a couple more steps and was about to lose my balance when a hand suddenly caught me.

"Here, let me help you," a guy behind me said. He placed his hands under my legs and carried me into his arms.

It was Gian.

He rushed inside the cabin and placed me on the sofa.

"Where's Miya?" he asked.

"She's on her way to get Rachelle," Steve answered.

Gian shook his head and focused his attention on me. "How are you feeling?"

"Dizzy..." I mumbled.

"Shit-Zachia, do you have any towels?"

"Here," she hands him a clean towel and rushes back to Zack, who's still unconcious.

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