So, precedent you say? Chap 6

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After Miranda sending the letter, "Miranda" and Joshua made their way to Washington to go visit the White House. They packed for 2 days and left right away. The trip to Washington took about 3-4 days. Miranda and Joshua actually arrived earlier than Obama wanted, a day earlier. So Joshua and Miranda had to stay in a hotel for a night, but they weren't charged to stay because of the sass Miranda gave the hotel desk clerk.
"That will be $56.00, ma'm."
"MA'M? How dare you?" Miranda snapped. The clerk was took by surprise.
"Uh, I'm sorry-" He looked at her " Miranda for Precedent " shirt. "- Miranda."
"And now you don't give me a title?!" Miranda raged. "If you want to know, I'm going to be your precedent in less than a month, ClerkMan."
"I apologize, what do I do to repay you, preCEdent Miranda?" He asked, looking concerned a beam of sweat ran down his face.
"No payment." Miranda shrugged, crossing her arms and smiling. The clerks mouth was gaping open in complete astonishment she'd say that. But he composed himself.
"Of course." He replied. The customers behind Miranda started muttering protests. The clerk bit his lip and gave Miranda the key to her room. The mutters grew louder by the moment. As Miranda left the area, the mutters became shouts.
"That ain't fair!"
"Y'all can't do that!"
"She could be lying!"
"What a baby, afraid of a girl!"
"Remind me to come back her claiming I'm the 'PRECEDENT'"
"Cindy's right! That's such a lie!"

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