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I introduced Rebekah the wonder's of Netflix, and I showed her Pretty Little Liars, which is one of my favourite shows. "So let me get this straight, this A person killed Allison?" she said confused, I nod, "That's what they think yeah" I say to her, "So who's A?" she says confused again, "That's the beauty of the show, they don't know" I say, "Confusing" she says, "You get used to it once you've watched more of the show" I say laughing.


Rebekah said she had to go off somewhere, so I made my way to the Grill to get something to eat, and get my mind off what happened last night with Klaus, and who do I see at the bar, Damon. I walk over at and take a seat next to him, "That seat's taken" he says not even looking, "By Ric?" I say softly, he looks at me and gives me a small nod. I look and see the sheriff coming this way, and she was looking at Damon, "What did you do?" I ask thinning my eyes at him, "What? Nothing" he answers back.

Liz puts a paper in front of us and walks to the other side of Damon, I lean down and read the title, "Faulty Gas Line Leads to Tragic Explosion at Young Farm. Hang on, that's where the Council kept us captive yesterday" I say, "Really?" Damon says bored, "Better than 'Town Council Blown Up, Police Have No Suspects" Liz says looking Damon, "Unless he's sitting right next to me" she adds, "Don't look at me. I always take credit for killing people" Damon says smiling, "Say it louder why don't you, I don't think everyone heard you" I say.

None of them respond, Liz just keeps looking at Damon, "Seriously. Stop looking at me like that, Liz. If I was gonna kill 12 people, I wouldn't blow them up" he starts, "Don't finish that sentence" I say begging him, he ignores me though, "I'd have a dinner party" he says, I scoff. "The explosion was sparked from the inside. This wasn't an accident" Liz says, "You say like it's a bad thing. The Council is dead Liz, I see that as a win" Damon says, I hit him in the arm, "Ow" he says, I roll my eyes at him. "I've known some of them since I was a kid. They were my friends" Liz says defending them, "Well your friends tried killing us, including your daughter" I say with a straight face.

I look towards the door and see a guy who I don't recognise walk towards us, "Who's he?" I ask quietly nodding my head to the man who just approached Liz, "Excuse me, sheriff" he says, Liz turned her attention towards him, "I was wondering if I could speak to you for a minute. It's about the explosion at the Young Farm" he says, why is this new guy interested in something that probably doesn't concern him? "I'm sorry, mister" Liz starts not knowing his name, "Connor Jordan" he says extending his hand out to shake Liz's hand, I notice he has some gloves on, weird.

"Are you with the insurance investigators?" Liz asks him still suspicious on who he was, "No, I'm more of a, uh, independent contractor" he stutters. He looks at Damon and I suspicion in his stare, I narrow my eyes at him, and Damon raises his eyebrows. "Can we speak in private?" he asks looking back at Liz, "Sure" Liz says, "Thanks" Connor says walking away. Liz looks at Damon and I and follows after Connor, "Nice to meet you too" I mumble, "Mr. Busybody-Guy" Damon says finishing my sentence. "Do you trust him?" Damon asked me, "In this town? No" I say, "Me too" Damon responds getting his phone out and calling Stefan and telling him about our new problem.


Elena shortly showed up, "Did you do it?" she says approaching us, "Rowan" she says acknowledging my presence, I wave "Hey how are you?" I ask softly, "Adjusting" she says, "Did you set off the explosion?" she asks Damon again, "Am I wearing my 'I blew up the Council' T-shirt? Why does everyone ask me that?" Damon says angrily, "Did you?" Elena ask still not believing it, "He didn't do it, Elena. If he did he would be dead too" I say defending Damon. "Anything else?" Damon says taking a drink of his bourbon.

Elena looks around, "Yes. Something is wrong" she says, Damon closes eyes, and has that 'perfect' sarcastic look on his face, "I can't keep any of the animal blood down" she whispers so no one can hear, "Well there's a shock" Damon says, like he doesn't care. "I think I need your help" Elena says, Damon sighs, "Of course you do" he says, he looks around the grill, "Pick your meal, Asian fusion, Mexican, what about some good old American comfort food? Or even teenage girl" he says jokingly looking at me, "You're a dick" I say smacking his arm.

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