Faded Dreams | 01

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This story will contain swearing, sex, violence, infidelity, angst, age-gap, and drugs.

If you are not into any of those things as described, I'd advise you to not read the story.

There may be mistakes during initial uploads as I tend to reread my own chapters several times before and after publishing and notice small details or grammar that I need to fix. So please bare with me. I encourage all my current and future readers to be respectful and if there is anything you would like to correct me on feel free to comment how you feel as I greatly appreciate any type of feedback!

I also want to thank you all in advance for any comments or votes you may or may not leave. As I will be trying not to leave any author notes in the actual chapters, but I will be posting my gratitude on my discussion board.


Aria Russo

My clammy handy desperately waved in the air trying their hardest to grab the attention of one of the many cab drivers on this busy street. Hoping to get trampled by the other dozens of people also trying to find a ride out of the overcrowded airport. Taking pity on me, a tall bystander who managed to flag one down looked over at me and gestured to the awaiting cab. After mumbling my appreciation I shoved my two large suitcases also known as my life savings and earnings into the trunk of the cab.

This wasn't my first rodeo, but it is in fact my first trip outside of the country. I had decided to start this whole traveling thing as soon as I was 18 when I got kicked out of my household for not wanting to go away to college immediately. Parents saying something along the lines of

"If you don't want to follow our rules and be successful then go figure out life by yourself."

So here I am now, 21 years old and experiencing so many things and meeting new people after backpacking around the country for 3 years. It's taught me more than any simple textbook in a hamster wheel setting of place they call "school." Plus I'd consider myself pretty successful, at least in my own terms.

As far as earning money that funds these endeavors, I'm a so called entrepreneur. I run a small business that sells collectibles. I started off by selling each valuable item I could find in different states and realized people would actually rather buy an item online instead of traveling to the place and getting it themself. It's not a lot of income, but it pays enough for me to buy the next plane ticket and a place to stay,  with food in my belly, so I'm content.

"Where to miss?", The taxi driver asked in a heavy accent that almost made me misunderstand what he was trying to say. Shoving my hand inside my pocket, I pulled out an address written down from a fellow traveler whom I became close with and met back in New York. They're responsible for Italy being my first pit stop.

"To this address please", I muttered as I licked over my chapped lips. I frowned as I internally realized I needed to put some lip balm on. Reaching into my travel bag, I glanced up and met eyes with the driver through his rearview mirror. His expression was one of uncertainty before he l spoke his feeling aloud.

"You sure this is where you wanna go?", He asked horsley instantly causing me to tense up, "I'm sure...is there a problem?", I asked with a hint of annoyance which only prompted the middle aged man to let out a deep sigh that almost made him sound like he was contemplating taking me there.

"No, there is no issue just be sure to stay safe around that area." He mumbled the last part quietly and put his car into gear and soon enough we were off and into the city. I slumped back against the discolored seat and mentally coached myself for what this place could possibly be like.

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