Chapter 1 : Tipsy Mistakes

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This chapter is dedicated to dohaisbae and HolyWater36856
dohaisbae HolyWater36856

Your support means everything to me! Seriously thank you so much! I love you guys. ❤

I hope you enjoy this story.


'A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities. '
                                -J.R.R. Tolkien


Pandemonium. Eli thought as he wove through shining sticky bodies exchanging sweats as they move with the booming music from the big black speakers stacked together near the island table in the living room.

With both hands holding a beer, he pushed through with his arms. Screaming internally as other people's bodily fluids touch his pale skin. 

Finally making it to the otherwise silent kitchen, he sighed taking a sip out of the beer bottle. Grimacing at the fact that the beverage was warm and it didn't settle on his stomach right. He gave the other bottle to his best friend, Olivia, who took it with a smile. 

Taking a sip from her own bottle, Olivia spoke. "Smile, Eli. Aren't you having fun?" She teased as she hopped into the marbled counter. 

Eli took another swig of the warm alcohol, warmness aside, he is eager to get drunk tonight. He rolled his eyes towards his so called best friend of 8 years.

"The only person having fun is Luke." Eli nodded towards the drunk boy currently twerking at the top of the wooden mahogany table. 

"Our Student body president everyone!" Olivia said, hands outstretch as she gives a mock toast towards no one in particular.

"Jesus Christ. Aren't you scared that it might break?" Eli nudged Olivia, his elbows resting on the counter top. Eyes focused on the chaos ahead of both of them.

As Luke dance his life away, some of their classmates were videotaping the event unfolding before their eyes. Their cheers and hooting could be heard above the booming music. 

"Ehhh. I hated that table anyway." Olivia stated, taking another swig of the warm alcohol. Eli shakes his head, chuckling a bit.

'This rich ass bitch' he thought with as much fondness as possible. 

"Love your outfit by the way, the fact that I could practically see your breast is outstanding." Eli made sure that sarcasm could be heard in his voice. He gestures towards the pink laced bralette that Olivia was wearing paired with a high waisted denim jeans. 

It's Olivia's turn to roll her eyes at Eli. "Why do you care? It's not like you're gonna get a boner over this." 

Her hand slapping Eli's arm. In which he shrugs off of him. Olivia rests her beer bottle beside her in the marbled counter top.

Leaning in towards Eli, her high heeled boots touching Eli's jeans.

"You know who would love this outfit though?" She whispered, through the music. Her hands shielding her lips from unwanted eavesdroppers. 

Eli groaned, already knowing who she would say. He glances at Olivia as her blonde hair falls over her tanned shoulders.

"Don't say it-" Eli begins as Olivia said "Mateo". 

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