- makeup.

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Another lazy Sunday this week in Yejin's apartment, just her and Bin laying down on the couch and talking about random things.

It wasn't until an idea popped into her head that she suddenly stood upright, making her a little light headed. She regained her balance and he sat up too. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." she chuckles. "I just had an idea!"

Bin furrowed his brows in confusion, his tone laced with curiosity. "What's that?"

"What if you do makeup on me? I kinda want to see if you're able to style me up in ten minutes." Yejin clasped her hands together and went over to the bathroom to grab her makeup pouch.

"But I haven't even agreed yet—" he started, but was cut off by Yejin's tutting.

"You would have agreed anyway if I used my superpower." she replied cooly.

Bin chuckled, knowing exactly what she meant. "Your eyesmile."

Yejin came back with the pouch and a medium sized mirror, flopped on the sofa again and then sat in an Indian posture. "Exactly." She pulled him in closer so that he could start working on her. "Just open the purse and do anything."

"Anything?" he repeated.

She nodded. "Anything."

"Okay, I'll start." He hummed, and Yejin started the ten minute timer. "Wait, there's a timer?" Bin asked, eyes widening. "I can't do it in that short time!"

She shook her head, and then held his face in her hands. "You can do it."

With that, he grabbed the foundation and the 'pink egg thing' that Yejin insisted was for blending.

She naturally thought Bin wasn't that good at applying makeup; but as soon as his hands delicately dabbed her face with the blender, Yejin added this to the list of examples of why he's a sensitive and a man of his craft. It seemed as though he had practiced by himself.

"Yah, this is so unfair! It's like you've done this before, the outcome is not going to be that funny." she blurted. "You really are no jam, huh?"

"Well, do you want me to do a bad job?" he chuckled, stopping to look at her and then to the timer. Seven minutes left. "Ack! I need to hurry!"

Bin laid down the sponge and foundation and grabbed the pallete with different colors. "This is eyeshadow right?"

Yejin gestured for him to grab the brush, which was basically a confirmation.

He tugged on her shoulders to bring her closer to him. "Close your eyes for me." She did just that, and he applied the light brown color on both her eyelids. "I don't usually see you wear eyeshadow."

She hummed. "Yea, I like more of a natural look. I just have them laying around there."

Bin then pulled out a pen-like thing from the bag and twisted the cap to reveal liquid black on a brush. "Eyeliner?"

"And the other side is mascara." she confirms. "But don't use it, it feels uncomfortable for me."

He mumbled an 'okay' and carefully traced her eyes with the liner. There was a minute of silence as he focused on the very cause of his weak knees, those eyes that curve into crescents when she genuinely smiles.

Again, Bin took another look at the timer to the side and noticed that there was already only four minutes left. "I spent three minutes on that?!" he asked in disbelief, and then shifted his gaze to the other eye that hasn't even been touched yet.

She opened her eyes, and bounced on the couch, repositioning herself. "That's pretty quick, though." He brushed that comment off and went straight back to working. "Stop it, close your eyes now."

He seemed so concentrated and serious, she hadn't ever seen this side of him before, besides when reading scripts.

He gave a disgruntled sigh, taking note of the timer once again. "I'm just gonna wing it, then."

In one speedy move, he made what looked like a perfect eyeliner— identical to the one he spent minutes on. "Phew. I thought that was going to fail really badly."

"Are you done?" she asks, laughing. "I think I want to see the light again."

"Just one more second."

And when she made a straight face again, he leaned in and captured his lips in hers. She opened her eyes in surprise but then closed them again, taking in the pleasure of his taste.

Yejin wrapped her arms around his neck, and that was when he dropped the eyeliner on the floor and pushed her back onto the love seat, pinning her down.

The timer beeped, and the two were taken by surprise. "I wish I hadn't set that timer." she whispered, completely annoyed by the distraction.

Bin sat up and simply picked up her phone, turning off the alarm. He went back to her and carried Yejin, who was now in a hugging koala position, and rested her head on his broad shoulder. "Can we just lay down on the bed? I'm really tired."

"Let's do that, then."

teehee! i bring you another binjin oneshot!! :]]

i just did this all in one go so it might seem a little quick-paced,, sorry for that!

i just had to make this thought into actual words hahah!! i hope you enjoyed my bite-sized prompt <33



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