# 2: Shock

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"I'm fine Soph I promise, look I have to go okay? But i'll call you whenever I try to get a break. Try not to worry. Love you"

Before I could ask him anything else or even say 'love you' back the line cut off and he was gone. Try not to worry. I have loved this boy for a very long time but if there is one thing that I'm sure he knows about me, it's that I Always worry. Besides the obvious fact that Spence has a fairly dangerous job, I have had an anxiety disorder from the time I was 12. Worrying is practically in my blood. I pulled my legs close to me on the couch and grabbed the blanket that Spencer gave to me for my birthday. It was large enough so that it could always cover all of him and all of me. It had colorful ladybugs on it with all of their spots being little hearts. I sighed, took another deep breath and tried not to worry.


That poor kid. His parents must never have thought that they would live to see their child's funeral. They should never have had to. I lifted my head from my hands when Emily walked into the room holding out an extra large cup of coffee out to me.

"And for Reid, an extra large with a quart of sugar"

I thanked her and took a long sip before standing to go back to my board. It made no sense. Why would he have dumped the body when the entire reason he abducted the boy was to have a new body to visit.

"Spencer? You gonna share your thoughts with the class?" JJ stood behind me with the rest of the group waiting for what they assumed would be a great reveal.

"Nothing groundbreaking i'm afraid, I was just thinking, why would he dump James' body in a place he knew we would find it if the reason he took him was to have a body to visit?"

"Well he's devolving, he's going off in anger because we took away his dumping ground, right?"

I thought about Morgan's theory for a moment but that still didn't add up. His anger resulting in a new kidnapping I could see, but killing his victims so early was unlike his MO as well.

"I think I have it. We know that this unsub is driven by need, and the only reason that he would sacrifice that need is if he was sure that there was another boy waiting for him. One that he views as more fitting for his personal desires. He must already have another boy, maybe one he had even abducted before James, one that he needed to show loyalty to for some reason"

I finally looked away from the board to find myself staring into a sea of confused faces. I took out my phone and dialed the one person who I knew could make something of this.

"You've reached the center for all things great and magical. What can I do for you?"

"Garcia I need you to find a list of any boys between 4 and 8 that have gone missing from here or the surrounding states."

"Well that's great but it's a long list i'm gonna need something a bit more specific."

"Okay take that list, eliminate anyone without siblings and focus specifically on any boys with an older brother."

"Okay, getting better"

"Okay now take them and eliminate any whose brother would be outside of our unsubs age range."

"Okay I have five left and only two of which have a record of petty crimes, Lucas Charles, 32, younger brother Jeffery Charles went missing when he was six, and Matthew Darner, 40, his brother max went missing when he was 8. Both addresses have been sent to your phones."

Finally when I looked up at my teammates I saw a look of awe and understanding. We all rushed out to the cars and I hopped in the back with JJ and Morgan.

Sophie ~

I tried hard not to call him. I really did. At first I thought it was no big deal, I would wake up a little, have some coffee, and Spencer would call me back whenever he had a break. I was used to waiting a long time for his calls, when he's working his "breaks' ' are few and far between and usually I advise him to spend them sleeping anyways. But as soon as I saw the news of the boy's body being found I texted him. I knew Spence would find some way to blame himself for this as he always does. I texted him just once a simple message. - saw the news, i'm sorry - I waited for almost an hour before texting him again- you okay? Call me when you get a chance.- this time I didn't wait as long before texting a third time- Spencer I'm worried, please call me - thirty minutes from that and still, nothing. So I picked up my phone and dialed his number, a little heart next to his name as I put the phone to my ear.

"This is Reid" I sighed when I heard his voice but he sounded tense.

"Spence? It's Sophie, are you okay? I texted but you didn't respond."

"Sorry i'm in the car right now heading to pick up a suspect i'll have to call you back"

"O-oh okay that fine just, are you okay?"

"Yeah im-" I could hear tires squeal in the background and a loud bang before rattling like his phone had been dropped and then nothing but a dial tone.

This was not fucking happening.


"Spencer, who are you talking to?" I sighed into the phone.

"I'll have to call you back"

"Oh my god. Spencer is that your girlfriend? No way! I knew it!"

The tires squealed as Morgan parked and I got ready to hop out of the car. There was a quick gunshot before I could exit and I dropped my phone with Sophie still on the other side to jump out and grab my gun.

"Morgan who's shooting?" There were repeated gunshots from different angles and I searched with my eyes and gun trying desperately to see who was shooting.

"I can't tell it's coming from all around me, JJ?"

"Negative it's everywhere"

Bullets flew past me from what felt like every possible angle and I felt one hit me square in the back of my vest, knocking me to the ground.

"Morgan behind!" I shouted to him and tried to rise and turn around, but I felt more bullets, one in my shoulder and one just barely hitting my vest, knocking me down again.

"Uh, guys, I think i've been hit" I started to get groggy as I spoke and fell back to the ground, my head hitting a rock on the way. JJ rushed over to me with Morgan somewhere off in the distance trying to cover her.

"Spence stay with me okay?"

"That's a lot of blood"

"Spencer you are going to be fine, okay? Try to stay awake!"

"I think i'm not going to do that"

"Do what? Spence?"

I could still hear her talking as she hovered over me with her hands trying to find a source of the bleeding. I couldn't speak anymore and my eyes tried to close

Stay awake. Do not pass out right now.

The only thing I could feel was the warm blood leaving my body and as I slipped away JJ's voice became as quiet as a whisper.


part two is up on my tumblr as well

as always I love feedback and I do take requests

*I do not own any criminal minds characters

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