Chapter 2

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I knew I wasn’t that smart, I was a struggling B student in school and while I enjoyed reading, I didn’t do it often. Trying to hide my shock I stuck my hand out towards the Counselor. “Thank you very much sir, I’m Royse Williams.” I told him introducing myself. I had never been all that good with words, Mark was always the smartest of our family.

The Counselor took my hand and shook it, seemingly not worried about my lack of grace. “It is nice to meet you Royse, please call me Mr. Wording.” He told me in his deep voice, which was slightly terrifying. “Please, I would like to see you try your hand at the other games.” He told me as he gestured to a game where you were forced to slam a hammer onto a pad.

Shuffling over to the game. I gave a smile to the games operator, the local blacksmith who had shoed my horses just the other day. “Hello Mr. Barker, how are you today?” I asked as I waited my turn on the game. There were a group of teenage boys trying their hand at it as a group of girls stood by giggling at their antics.

Mr. Barker smiled at me before he smiled at the Counselor behind me. “I’m good Miss Royse! But I don’t seem to be doing near as good as you!” He joked, his voice thickened by an accident he had never quite lost when he moved away from a place even more middle of nowhere than our little town of Pittsboro.

I smiled at his jokes and let out a little giggle as  I saw one of the boys struggle to lift the hammer. Not that I wasn’t nervous for my turn. A lot of the crowd that had been watching me before had followed to watch me try my hand at this game, and watching the boys struggle my making butterflies set up camp in my stomach.

Finally the boys realized the crowd wasn’t there for them and relinquished the hammer. Mr. Barker smiled at them before he turned and handed the hemmer to me.

The solid wood made the hammer almost impossibly heavy as I stumbled up to the pad. Straining my muscles I hefted the hammer up onto my shoulder before taking a small rest.  My muscles were already complaining and I had barely done more than lift the hammer. Screwing my face up I adjusted my grip and stance strained my muscles.

Lifting the hammer from my shoulder I ground my teeth as I used all of my muscles to slam the hammer down. The forced caused my feet to leave the ground for a second as vibrations ran up my arms. Somehow despite my clenched teeth I still bit down hard on my tongue and tasted blood.

But I watched as the indicator rose, and rose, and rose past my weight level and almost toped out at a full 75 pounds more than I weighed. I didn’t even think I had that much force inside of me.

I heard cheers erupt behind me as a smile tilted my lips into a grin. Turning as I shook out my sore arms I said thanks to Mr. Barker before turning to look at the Counselor. “Now what?” I question as my smile dropped from my face at his serious expression.

He just glanced at me and then to where the races were supposed to be taking place. It seemed as if all of the games had come to a dead halt as the crowd behind me grew and grew. “Now speed, depending on how you do on that challenge we will need to talk.” The Counselor told me before he turned and strode towards the race lane, obviously expecting me to just follow.

I had no idea how he expected me to run in my fancy dress and sturdy work boots, I had trouble walking in them most of the time.

The Counselor, however seemed to have everything figured out as he turned to a boy of about 12, who was very similar in size to me. “Boy, would you mind to terribly to lend Miss Williams hear your clothes, I promise that you will get them back.” He asked and the boy  immediately got to work stripping off his pants and shirt. He was wearing an undershirt and boxers, so his lack of clothing was not something people were worried about, but when he handed me his balled up clothing he blushed a bit.

Thanking him I walked towards a back corner to change, my brothers forming a barrier between the world and me with their back facing me. Quickly changing I giggled a bit when I realized that despite the boy’s slight stature his clothes were still to big on me.

Once I was dressed in the boy’s clothes I folded my dress and removed my work boots, it would be easier for me to run if I was barefoot. Handing my clothes to Jacob and Mathew I headed back out to the race lane. A group of boys were lined up waiting for me,  some of them in permission to run. Guessing that these were my competitors I moved to line up with them when I felt a tug on my hair.

Turning, I smiled when I saw my mother. “Lets make sure you don’t trip on this long hair of yours.” She told me as she yanked my hair back and quickly weaved it into a braid.  “Now, go kick those boys’ butts.” She whispered in my ear as she pulled me into a hug.

I smiled before I moved to an empty spot in the race line before I got in a take off position. “On my whistle!” A male voice yelled. There were three beats of silence before a shrill whistle split the air, causing my to rocket forward.  

I saw some of the boys pull in front of me and pushed myself harder. This was the last test, the Counselor had all but said that himself, and some how I had miraculously managed too pass the first two, I wasn’t going to let anyone ruin my chance at this.

Straining my muscles I watched as I passed first one, than two, than three of the boys until there was just one left keeping pace with me. He was a boy I knew, he was a mail carrier and spent a lot of time on his feet, so he most likely had very good stamina, and I did not so I had to finish this fast. Pushing my body even more I glanced down at the ground to ignore the pounding in my heart, which was a mixture of excursion and nerves.

Glancing from the ground when I heard cheers start to sound I glanced to my side and ahead of me for the other boy, and when I didn’t see him  I momentarily debated looking behind me. Then I realized I didn’t dare as I saw the dirt line that marked my finish fast approaching.

Keeping my focused on the line a lone I promised my body all sorts of things if my legs just didn’t give out, and a second later I passed the line.

The crowd, which now consisted of almost everyone at the festival, erupted right as the other boys crossed the line their pace slowing as they stopped. I myself was bent over with my hands on my knees trying to slow my heart and catch my breath. I felt people clapping me on my back and giving me congratulations before the crowd went still and silent.

Looking up I saw the Counselor standing above me with a large smile on his face. “Congratulations Royse Williams, and welcome to the Rider’s School."

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