Chapter 3

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The Counselor had told me to pack lightly, anything that I would need in the future would be provided for me while at the Rider’s School, and while I was packing he talked to my parents.

            My brothers accompanied and gave me orders to write often and that if anybody touched me that I should hit first and ask questions later, they helped me pack, told me how much they would miss me, and promised to visit if they got the chance. After they caused me to cry I kicked them out of the room and continues packing, and since there was little for me to pack I was soon finished.

            Glancing around my room, I crinkled my nose at it before I joined my family and the Counselor in the kitchen. “Ah good! You’re quick! Say goodbye to your family and meet me outside, we must start our journey to the school as soon as possible.” The Counselor ordered before he strode out of the house, leaving behind him my family and an awkward silence.

            Mother was the first to break the silence as with a sharp cry she yanked me into a hug. “My baby girl is going to the Rider’s school! I’m so proud of you!” She cried a second before Father joined the hug. After that my brothers folded in around us and our family embraced in a slightly awkward group hug. “Make sure you write as often as possible and the first chance you get you come home!” She ordered as our family unfolded from the hug.

            Nodding my head at her I said yes ma’am and moved to give my family hugs, receiving advise and orders from each of them. Once our goodbyes were done my family trooped outside where the Counselor waited with two beautiful horses.

            My father secured my pack onto the back of the vacant horse as Matthew helped me to swing up onto the horse. Once my family had stepped back the Counselor asked me if I was ready to go. With one last glance at my family I nodded too him before nudging my horse forward.


            The Counselor wasn’t kidding when he said that we needed to get started as soon as possible, because even with our departure, which had taken place at around lunch time, we didn’t reach the school until well after Midnight, and that was after galloping our horses for most of the way.

            The School seemed to come out of nowhere. One second we were riding in a deserted field and the next we topped a hill to see a large castle surrounded by large fences. The building had hundreds of windows, some lit with light from within the building, and a large glass dome on the roof that seemed to open into the sky. A Bright glow issued from the dome and lit the sky above. The black rocks that made up the outside of the Castle was climbed with flowering vines that added a softer side to the terrifying building. The fences that surrounded the lush green yard around it extended out of sight into the forest and no doubt gave the castle’s in habitants plenty of room to move around and play.

            “Come along Miss Williams, the stables are this way.” The Counselor told me before he kicked his horse down the hill in the direction of the woods. Following behind him, I kept my eyes trained on the world around me, scanning it with naked appreciation.

            That was how I almost missed it, and I would have if it weren’t for the tensing of the horse under me as its head swung around to stare at the fast approaching stables, or more appropriately what rested in front of it.

            With bright blue scales the Dragon toward over the stable, but when it saw us it simply moved out of the way before resuming it’s looking around. With its position we were forced to ride past, allowing me to get a good look at its tail, which was as thick around as an oak tree. While my horse seemed wary of the giant Dragon, it didn’t seem all that fearful.

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