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The concert was all screaming, adoring fans, pyrotechnics, and abs.  So.  Many.  Abs. 

The shirtless boys danced around on stage and when the buttons on their shirts came flying off exposing their bare chests and abdomens to the crowd, every single female watching lost every bit of sense they ever had. 

I was one of them, sure, but Jungkook was watching.  How could I not appreciate such...perfection?

I was the last person I ever thought would be at a concert like this, and in a VIP section no less, but the energy was thriving through me like a live wire ready to electrocute anyone that I touched. 

I was more than ready for their set to end so that I could congratulate them on an amazing show...but then I remembered that once their show was over, they'd have no use for me. 

I knew then that it was time to go.  I'd grab a bus ticket or hitchhike back to the hospital and see if I could stay with one of the nurses, or ask them to call the social worker again.  Maybe this time she'd actually show up, put me in a foster home or something with someone who cared about me...

But I knew that was wishful thinking. 

People didn't adopt teenagers, especially ones who were close to aging out of the system anyways. 

It wasn't likely that anyone would be loving, either, as majority of people only fostered in order to get the extra money from the government which they used to pad their own pockets or feed their wicked addictions. 

I did not want to go into the system...but what choice did I have?  I could be homeless...but I didn't know the first thing about living on the streets!

I was at the mercy of the government, then.  Surely, wherever I went, I would have access to a phone, and if something went wrong then I could just call 9-1-1 and the police would sort everything out...right.  Even I laughed at that joke of a statement. 

The concert ended with a flourish and I had to put all my morbid thoughts aside and remember to clap and applaud what an amazing job they did. 

I wished I could have had a life like a pop star, but then again I probably didn't.  They probably had it worse than I would being in the foster care system. 

Jimin rushed to me after the performance and gave me a bone crushing bear hug. 

"I'm so glad you came, this was one of our best shows, right?"


I actually had no idea if it was their best as it was the only one I'd ever seen, but I'd let him have his moment. 

Jimin held on a little too long and I noticed Jungkook growing impatient in the background, his foot tapping with his arms crossed as he waited for Jimin to finish embracing me. 

One by one the rest of the boys gave me high fives until Jungkook stepped up and wrapped his arms around me like I was the only one in the room. 

My hands went around his neck and we stayed like that for a short while, until everyone else became uncomfortable, it seemed. 

"Alright, after party!"

"Wait, what?!"

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