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Hello readers I wanted to thank you for making it this far into the story. I know I'm not the best writer but I try. No on with the story -Author~Chan!

  I woke to the sound of kuro purring next to me as a bright light shined through the window of my room. I slowly sat up in the "bed" of the small room as I remembered that I was meeting with Shiro and his friends.  I got up from the bed like place that I had slept carefully to not disturb kuro. She's not a morning person and I have faced her morning wrath. It's not pretty.
  I went down to a few of the clothing options I had in the same bag I kept the shadow stalker outfit in. I decided to go with

 (minus the skateboard)

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(minus the skateboard). By the time that I had slipped my (h/l) (h/c) into a simple bun (if your hairs not long enough for a bun then leave it down) and was dressed kuro was awake and stretching on the floor by my feet. "Good morning kuro." 'It's not a good morning but what ever.' I could hear the eye roll and sarcasm in my head. "Guess what!" I said making sure I was put together enough to be seen by other humans. 'What?' "Your finally gonna meet Shiro today!" I said with a closed eye smile.
'Who?' "Shiro! He's the guy that was like a older brother for me! I'm always saying that he was more like a dad for me then my stepfather." 'Oh is he the one that went missing?' "Yeah, turns out he was in space the whole time." I say awkwardly laughing while rubbing my neck. "Anyway we're meeting up with him and a couple of his friends." 'Ugh fine! When are we leaving?'
"Now." I say picking her up and grabbing the rest of my things as I leave out the door. I could hear kuros protests in and out of my head, but I ignored her struggles as I made my way out of the building and tourds my S.M.C (space motorcycle). Once outside I headed to my S.M.C with my bag of clothes and kuro. When I finished walking the short distance to my vehicle I place kuro on the seat and my bag in one of he compartments on the back. In the apartments held just a few essentials I needed. Like my ø, knifes, bandeges, blaster, performance outfits and tracks of songs from earth I liked.
  I shut the first compartment with my personal belongings, and opened a second one on the other side. The second compartment held rations, fresh water, tools, and some spare parts. I grabbed the tool bag which was filled to the brim with earth and other planet tools I had collected over the years.
  I always managed to break something and had to use equipment I wasn't familiar with to fix it, so usually was pretty quick learner. I placed the tool bag towards the front of the motor vehicle so I could make sure nothing need necessary adjustments, or needed replacing.
  When I popped off the metal plate that concealed the engine and motor, I could hear a set of footsteps coming my way. I looked up wiping the sweet that threatened to fall down my cheek with the back of my greased covered hand. The grease from touching the greased parts of the engine. I looked to the direction of the footprints to see a familiar purple alien coming my way.
  "Why hello my dear." He said once at my vehicle. "Hello princy, to what do I have the pleasure?" "Princy?! What's that supposed to mean." He leaned down. "Princy. It's the nickname I'm giving you." "Why?" He questioned with his hand on his hip and eyebrows raised. I giggled before I gave my response. 
   "It's because you act so formal! Like a prince, so Princy!" I laughed. He smiled at my response and almost looked relieved for some reason. (We don't know he's the son of zarkon yet.) "well I guess I'll just have to give you a nickname or do you want to be called 'The Siren'." " no thanks that's just my stage name." "Alright well I'll have to think of one for you." "Ok Princy." I said as I continued to adjust some bolts and gears, On the engine so it was all tight and secure.
  I looked up to see lotor petting kuro as he leaned against my bike. I smiled at the site but quickly looked away to continued to tighten the last bolt on the motor. Just before I could finish tightening it i heard about five to six pairs of footprints coming towards me. And fast! I looked up to see Shiro and his friends running to me with weapons out and ready. I looked to lotor and saw he was in a battle stance as well. What was going on?! I Quickly
stood up and blocked the path Shiro and his friends were taking towards my bike, lotor , and kuro.
  "STOP!" I yelled. They stopped and stared at me with their weapons still at the ready. "Look whatever beef you guys have with each other needs to be put on hold, or so help me I'll kick all of your asses!" They all eased up and put their weapons away and a awkward silence fell. "Good, know I can see that you seven have meet but I don't know you so please tell me your name." I pointed to a girl with white hair in a nice neat bun. "Hello, I'm princess Allura of altea." "Well it's very nice to meet you Allura, I'm (y/n)." She smiled a warm smile as I finished my sentence.
I waked back to the front of my space vehicle and finished tightening the bolt before placing the front metal panel back on and screwing that back in place. I looked up to the group and saw that pidge was staring the stars in her eyes and the rest were just kind of awkwardly standing there. "I don't bite you guys can come closer." I told them. Pidge happily skipped over and inspected the hand built technology before him as the others walked closer still cautious of the purple man.
   "What kind of tech is this? I've never seen anything like it!" He said glancing my way. "Well..." I started as I got up from my sitting position placing the tools back in the bag. "I built it myself with all kinds of different tech." Once I put the tools back in the bag I pick it up and started to head to the compartment the tools went which was on the opposite side pidge was on.
   "Wait wait wait WAIT! Y-YOU BUILT ThIS! You took different tech and combined it all to m-make THIS!!" The small boy yelled while flailing his arms in every direction. "Um yes I did, after I got up in space I had to find a way to travel. So over time I built this." I pointed to the S.M.C.. "I call it my space motorcycle. Because it was designed after one of the old motorcycles from earth but obviously space proof." I was looking through the compartment with my supplies and noticed I needed to refill a couple of things. I looked up to see that the other people I had around were now inspecting my hand built craft.
  "Well I need to go pick up a few things and recharge the energy crystal for this thing you guys are welcome to accompany me." I asked turning to them. "It's powered by a CRYSTAL!!!" Pidge was now officially freaking out with excitement. "Kuro-" I turned to the two tailed cat that was sitting on the seat being petted by lotor. "My satchel, coin, and shopping cloak please." Kuro stood and stretched as the three items teleported neatly on the seat in front of the cat.
  The paladins jumped back and lotor looked shocked for a moment as the items appeared out of thin air. I put the cloak on with my satchel. I placed the bag of coin inside as I grabbed out a medium sized cylinder container. I looked up to see the paladins we're still in there daze "are you guys ok?"

  And that concludes our chapter for the night. Make sure to keep on reading! And I know the updates come slow but I fully intend to finish this story. Author~Chan!!

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