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Ch.4: The 'issue'


"Friends, is the word that you use to describe us, but sometimes I forget that we're JUST friends because my mindset thinks you're more than my friend."


Soobin's p.o.v

"What? That's it? That doesn't make any sense and that simple sentence made everyone whispered and kept staring at me and Yeonjun?" I raised my eyebrow and I sat up not leaning my back on the chair.

"Not that idiot, you have a reputation of being a non-relationship type of person and no one had seen you alone with somebody before, so of course it's going to be a big deal." Taehyun crossed his arms.

"Plus they didn't know that you like boys and many girls has a crush on you." Beomgyu added which made me lean back onto my seat.

I didn't want to Stop hanging out with Yeonjun because first of all I'm the one who wanted to be friends with him and second of all it's not like I have feelings for him... right?

I saw Yeonjun entering the cafeteria and went to this person's table, When Yeonjun got to his seat, his friend didn't talk about the issue but I can see his friend sweating.

I grab my phone and looked at where they got the picture and it was there, I stood up and went to Yeonjun's table.

When I got up to him he looked at me but I didn't say any word to him, I let out my hand giving him a signal to grab it.

He grabbed my hand which cause the students in the cafeteria to gasp, I pulled him out of the cafeteria, we kept walking until there's no student can be seen.

We stopped in front of a classroom, we entered the classroom just to make sure that no one will see us and to avoid more issue.

"Why did you brought me here?" Yeonjun asked and crossed his arms on his chest, I took out my phone and showed him the picture.

He grabbed the phone in my hands and take a closer look, he gave me back the phone without saying anything and then...

"That's it? That's the picture that everyone is talking about?" He asked.

"That's like what I said at first, but you don't get it, I have a reputation of being a non-relationship type of person, no one sees me alone with someone before and many girls have a crush on me, plus no one knew that I like boys." I explained.

"So?? Why do they even care? You're not an idol or anything," he rolled his eyes and walk to the door so he could leave the classroom.

"Wait Yeonjun," I called him before he could open the door, "Let's go together," I said and walk to the door.

We went outside the classroom together and people kept staring at us and again it made him uncomfortable.

I put one of my hand around his waist to pull him closer to me, he flinched at my sudden movement but ignored the fact that I'm close to him.

The whispers got loud and they kept on staring, "CAN YOU ALL STOP STARING AND WHISPERING." I shouted and all of the people that were whispering and staring finally mind their own business.

School's Bully (YeonBin) Where stories live. Discover now