Chapter 3

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"So, how are you settling in." 

You were at SVU for a month now. And you had to say, hearing stories and actually experiencing was a completely different thing. The cases you dealt with were so terribly sad. You'd gone home on the verge of tears on more than one occasion. Sometimes from frustration of watching a perp walk free, other times scolding yourself for not doing more. You knew Joe said this unit demanded a lot. 

You just thought maybe you would have grown used to it by now. That was far from the case. As stressful as it was, it just made you want to try harder. You found ways to deal with your problems though. 

Olivia said talking was always easy, and since she made Nick your new partner, you felt like it was easy to talk with him. He assured you that it wasn't a problem. Even encouraged you to talk with him about how the day went from your prospective. You didn't want to put too much on him, so you didn't run to him every time you felt the need to vent on a case that fell through. You did talk to him about other things though, like your friends and adventures back home. It helped to keep your mind off the bad.

Presently, you were messing with Rafael Barba. Since his office was close to Olivia's you could see him through the blinds. You kept shifting and rearranging stuff on his desk everytime he left the desk to do something. The minute he turned his back you'd levitate a file, or move a pen. It was entertaining watching his confused expressions.

"Got a crush on Barba I see." you almost jumped out of your skin. 

"N-Nick!" The item you'd been trying to move at that moment dropped, and the thud echoed, followed by a curse from Barba. Nick raised an eyebrow, eyes moving back to you. You tensed at the way his dark eyes studied you. "Guess he isn't having a good day." Nick muttered, finally breaking eye contact with you. You prayed to God he didn't see what you were doing, even if he did he couldn't really prove it but still. 

"Y-Yeah, it's like that sometimes." you laughed, but it sounded forced. Even you could tell it was fake. You cleared your throat, eyes falling into your lap. Nick took a seat, eyeing you. "If you're crushing on him it's fine. I promise I won't tell anyone. However I think you might be too late." You didn't understand what he meant by that. He nudged his head and Barba came walking out, going into Olivia's office. You could see the way her eyes lit up just by seeing him. You couldn't tell if he was mirroring her expression because his back was turned.

"They won't admit it but they have a thing for each other. Rollins and I are betting how long it would take them to finally own up." you laughed, and this time it was a genuine one.

"It's fine, Barba is very much my type, but Olivia's clearly has dibs on him so I'll back off." you joked. "Oh, What exactly is your type?" He looked generally interested. The question made your entire face turn red. 

"Shit! I shouldn't have said anything. " You had a thing for hispanics. It wasn't just that but literally anyone who spoke spanish apparently. When you met Cisco you remembered how flustered you got when you found out he was fluent in Spanish. It was just something about the way they talked that was so sexy. Unfortunately both Nick and Barba fell into that category. When you discovered it you were more than surprised, that being said you never disclosed your little fetish, until now that was. Nick was still looking at you expectantly.

"I-I ummm, I need to use the bathroom!" you said hurriedly, dashing out of there as quick as you could. Nick watched, grinning. 

"I'll figure it out, don't worry."


Grateful for the end of another long day, you leaned your head against the back of the elevator.

You had a feeling it was only going to get tougher as you went. When the doors opened, you stepped out, exiting the building. Your hope was to get home and curl into some blankets and watch rom coms until you passed out. You pulled your phone out, waiting for a cab to pass by so you could get home. "(Y/N)." you turned at the call, your partner walking over to your side.

"Hey Nick." he hailed a cab and you smiled when he opened the door for you to enter.

You ducked your head, shifting as Nick entered to. You gave the driver your address, Nick doing the same. He turned back in your direction about to say something when his phone rang.

"Amaro. Mami, Sí, Zara se quedará contigo este fin de semana. Ella está igual de emocionada. Si."

You almost fainted at the way the words slipped off his tongue. 

"Dear Lord.." you thought, trying to focus on the buildings outside. He spoke for another minute before hanging up the phone.

"Sorry about that." you shook your head. "I-It's fine." you cursed at the break in your voice, praying Nick didn't spot it. "Who am I kidding, the guy is a detective." You swallowed, hoping the next words you spoke wouldn't come out as shakily. Nick's eyes were marking you, you could feel it.

"So was today better than the rest?" you were glad he started a conversation. "Much better." you answered. The remainder of the ride was quiet. When the cab got to your apartment you reached for your purse. "I got it." Nick assured. You were about to object but he shushed you.

"Just take it newbie." you pouted at the nickname. "I hope that isn't a thing now. I finally got Fin to stop calling me that." you complained exiting the cab. 

"No promises." Nick said. You thanked him with a smile, waving as the yellow car pulled off. When he was out of sight you finally released the breath you'd been holding. The three lights down your street went out and you winced when a few car alarms went off. 

"Really need to stop doing that." 

You turned to your door, hoping to get a handle on how you were going to be able to survive your partner and his very sexy native language. 

All translations are from google. Apologies if inaccurate.

Nick Amaro (Law and Order SVU) AUWhere stories live. Discover now