【10 ➢ Scars】

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Dazai smiles a bit like nothings happened, walking backward and quickly grabbing a bottle, raising it in the air to your level to show you it's sake. 

"Yeah, I drink." You reply hesitantly, standing up from your lean against the wall and trying to bottle up your discomfort. "Who in the mafia doesn't? Lupin lets anyone in the mafia drink, they don't want trouble and they already know what we could do to them if they did otherwise."

"You're right." Dazai replies, picking up an already half-full glass and gesturing it towards you. "Drink with me?" Dazai asks, you narrow your eyes in suspicion. 

"I'm pouring my own glass." You reply, apprehensively walking over to the brunette and trying to avoid eye contact. Dazai reaches out the bottle of sake to you, the moment your hand takes it his other hand quickly holds yours, his glass falling to the floor and shattering. 

"What the heck are you doing?!" You yell, both of your shoes and clothes partly covered in the alcohol. "If you don't let go right now I'll-"

"You're shaking." Dazai cut off, you didn't even realize it until he pointed it out. "I grabbed the bottle because you were going to drop it." Dazai said, his tone sounded genuine, but you were suspicious. You knew he had a track record of being dangerous and fear even among his allies while he was in the mafia. Chuuya would often curse him but also give you information about Dazai while he was drunk, you took a silent note of those things. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment and then gripping the bottle tighter.

"Okay, I'm fine now, just hand it over." You said, Dazai let go of the bottle and you walked over to the kitchen, placing it on the countertop before coming back to the living room.

"You're lucky those are wooden floors, that sake would've made an annoying carpet stan." You remarked, sighing and carefully picking up the glass pieces. You looked up to Dazai and narrowed your eyes. "Oi, what are you doing? Help me." You said, Dazai smiled.

"Of course, I was so clumsy after all." Dazai said dramatically, crouching down and picking up some glass shards as well. You stood up, carefully holding a small handful of the glass and walking to the bin to throw it away. When you came back to the living room, you found Dazai holding the remaining shards of the glass and the sake in a messy puddle on the floor. You walked over to the kitchen, taking some paper towels and cleaning up the mess just as Dazai walked back into the living room. 

"Dazai?" You asked, a bit confused. 

"Mhm~?" Dazai replied in a humming tone, grabbing another glass for himself. 

"You're bleeding." You said, a bit dumbfounded he couldn't feel it. Dazai paused for a moment, looking down at his hands to see the shards had done their damage. You looked at your hands instinctively and they were clean of any scars, you had picked up the glass carefully. 

"You really are clumsy." You sighed, throwing away the wet paper towels and quickly finding the bathroom, opening a cabinet, and pulling out a medical kit from a pile of bandage rolls. You walked out to the living room and sat Dazai down on a couch, you sitting in front of him. You gently grabbed his hand and looked at the cuts. He must've had quite a high pain tolerance if he didn't feel the cuts at all, or the glass was just that sharp. But you knew it wasn't the case, you easily picked up the glass shards and they weren't that sharp, Dazai must have a high pain tolerance. You wondered how that could've been made out to be. Did he have it rough in the mafia too? Could he understand the painful training you went through? You knew Mori taught Dazai as well at around the same age. 

"Y/n? You've been holding my hand for quite a while now, have you been seduced~?" Dazai teased, you let out a quiet 'hmph' and squeezed his hand a bit, Dazai wincing. "Oi! Don't be such a tsundere, I was only guessing!" Dazai whined, his lips in a small pout. 

"I can guess your future injures quite accurately if you don't shut up." You replied, letting go of Dazai's hand gently and dipping a cotton swab into a bottle of rubbing alcohol. "This will burn." You said quietly, disinfecting the cuts on both hands before getting the bandages and wrapping him up. "Seriously, you need to be more careful. If you didn't even notice so many cuts then you must have quite a high pain tolerance, that's going to be a cursed benefit." You said quietly, your voice was genuine to him for the first time. 

"You need to check things out before doing them." You compressed your ramble, Dazai looked up to you. 

"Are you saying I should check you out?"

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