prologue: i'm done

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Narrator's Point of View

prologue: i'm donedate: sometime in april of 1993

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prologue: i'm done
date: sometime in april of 1993


Bret Hart sat on the small bench of the locker room he shared with his brother-in-law, Davey Boy Smith.

Bret laced up his boots, ready for his title match which would be the main event for WrestleMania this year. He was going to be facing a really good friend of his, Yokozuna.

What made this match even more exciting for Bret was that the love of his life would be with him, cheering him on. Vince was kind enough to let his girlfriend be with him backstage and now Bret was waiting for her to arrive after she left to get something.

Bret was finishing up the laces when he heard a knock at the door.

Figuring it was his love, he smiled.

"Come in!" He called out, grinning.

However, that grin of his quickly faded when he saw her come through the doors, strutting inside.

"Hey Bret, can we talk?" Sunny asked.

Bret Hart groaned. He really didn't want Sunny anywhere near him. She had a horrible reputation and Bret didn't want his girlfriend to think he was involved or connected at all with someone like Sunny.

"Actually, I'm kind of busy-"

"It'll only take a moment. I know you have your match coming up." Sunny said with a smirk, sitting beside The Hitman so close that her thigh was nearly touching his.

"What do you want?" Bret began to grow impatient.

"Well, Vince wants me to start bumps for shows and... I need someone to train me for that." She explained.

"And?" Bret rolled his eyes, having no interest in being anywhere near her.

"I want you to train me since your one of the top guys on the roster." Sunny explained, as she grinned wider.

"Look, I'm flattered. But I just don't have the time right now. I have a big match coming up." Bret said, reaching over and getting his notorious Hitman shades from his bag pocket.

"But Bret," Sunny began, as she swung her lega over Bret's waist, straddling him sexually as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

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