two: oh, it's you... again

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Rose's Point of View

Rose's Point of View

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two: oh, it's you... again
date: a day before summerslam of '95


"Hey, Vince."

"Hello there, Rosie."

I took a seat in his office, putting my hands down on the table.

"So... Shawn said you wanted to see me?" I raised my brow, looking to the older man's eyes with curiosity.

"That would be correct." Vince gave me a toothy grin.

"Alright then, spit it out."

Vince smiled, before beginning to speak. "How would you feel about having a face turn? Let's face it Rose, you're one of the most beloved heels in the business, but I think you'd look great as a face. Maybe it could bring in some money for the both of us too."

As he spoke, I chuckled.

Typical Vince, always doing whatever was best for the business.

"So, what's your master plan?" I asked him with a small smile.

"I'm thinking about having you maybe get involved with a match." Vince said as he tapped his pen on his desk. "Not exactly interfering, but coming to the rescue of one of the wrestlers during a post match attack tomorrow during SummerSlam." He spoke.

I was trying to process everything that Vince was saying. I was obviously open to any ideas, but I liked the position I was in now.

Currently, I manage all of the Kliq boys, but as this moment, I'm mainly managing Scott Hall, Razor Ramon.

"So who's the wrestler that I'm going to play Wonder Woman for." I gave Vince an eye roll, smirking.

Vince smiled back, before his name came out of Vince's mouth.

"Bret The Hitman Hart."

I felt myself freeze on the inside.

"Vince, I-"

"Trust me, Rosie. This will bring in money, and the creative team is working on a fantastic storyline that involves you and Bret Hart." Vince spoke with a grin.

For a moment, a deep sigh escaped my lips and I closed my eyes.

Oh Bret...

I haven't spoken a word to him since April 4th of 1993... Which was well over two years ago now.

"So, are you in it?" Vince asked.


"That's all for today. Thank you for your time today, Rose." Vince nodded at me as I stood up from my chair, and left Vince's office.

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