Healthy August 14,2020 1:16am

1 0 0

Not sure if it needs a warning

It's not like anyone is here anyways


im figuring out what healthy friendship is I never had it before and honestly it's alot and when you get a feel of that happiness you want it forever

but what happens when there busy your brain starts to wonder if they still care they take a little long to answer.... something must be wrong because when someone stopped talking to you they start talking about you....but that's not the case there just busy...but your used to the toxic behaviour so when something looks similar it's the same even if it's not because its what I'm used to it's what's normal....but I don't want it to be .

Honestly the kindness I don't want it to change to go away because it's nice.....but all good things come to an end I suppose

Picture is not mine

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