Chapter- 1

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At the far north end of Nishchindipur village, there situated Harihor Roy's own small mansion. Harihar is an ordinary household. From the income of a small piece of land of patriarchal period and the annual settlement of the disciples and servants, the family is simply run.

Previous day was ekadoshi (Waxing Crescent Moon). Harihar's distant sister Indir Thakrun is sitting at home in the morning eating rice powder as breakfast. Harihar's six-year-old daughter is sitting quietly beside her and sadly watching the speed of the fried powder from the pot to the the mouth, and occasionally looking desperately towards the decrepiting bronze water bowl. Once or twice he wanted to say something but could not. Indir Thakurun raised fist after fist and emptied the pot and looked at the girl and said, "Oh mother, I didn't leave two for you?" - look at that!

The girl said with a sad eyes, be it aunt, you eat-
Indira Thakur broke half of one of the two ripe seedy bananas and gave it to her. This time the girl's eyes looked bright- She took the gift from paternal aunts hand and slowly sucked it with attention.

From other house her mother called, she is going there again? Get up here!

Indir thakurun said, let it be bou( family wife)- she is sitting with me, she is not doing anything. Let her stay- Yet her mother said in the tone of the rule, no, why would she sit like this during the meal? I don't like that; I am telling get up and leave-
The girl got up in fear.

Harihar's relationship with Indira Thakur is far away. Some kind of sister from his maternal house.Harihar Roy's ancestral home was in the neighboring village of Joshora-Bishnupur. Harihar's father Ramchand Roy Mahasaya(sir), after being married for the first time and being a widow at a young age, noticed angrily that his father had no intention of marrying him a second time. After spending a year in disgrace, when his father did not show any reluctance, then Ramchand became desperate and was forced to use various weapons directly and indirectly. Out of nowhere in the afternoon, After eating simple man Ramchand fidgeting in bed. When someone was sitting nearby wanting to know what happened, Ramchand would play the tune- Who else does he have, who will see him- or who cares if his head pains- etc. As a result, in this Nishchindpur village Ramchand got married for the second time, and when his father died shortly after the marriage, Ramchhad left and started living here in Joshora-Bishnupur permanently. It was about his young age- After coming to the village, Ramchand started studying Sanskrit by the care of his father-in-law, and later became a good scholar in the region. However, he never did any household work, there is reason to doubt heavily whether he was fit to do any. For nine months of the year his wife-son stayed at his father-in-law's house. He used to spend most of his time at Patiram Mukhuja's Pasa(dice game) hangout in the neighborhood and only appeared at his father-in-law's house during two meals; If someone were to ask-Panditamshai (scholar), there is a wife and child, have to see the matter? Ramchand used to say- no worries, brother, Braj Chakkatti's paddy threshing business- even picking up from the floor will let their two generations laugh and play. Later, he would wonder and concentrate on making a house with the force of a six and a cage.

How unconcerned he was about the perpetuation of Braj Chakroborti's rice threshing, it did not take long for Ramchand to understand that after the death of his father-in-law. He did not have land in this village, nor cash or anything special. Two to four disciples- servants were gathered here and there, they somehow managed to run the household to bring up the son. Before he, one of his cousins ​​got married at his father-in-law's house. They lived here. Their stand may helped Ramchad a lot. Nilmoni Roy, the son of a cousin, worked in Komiseriet, but at the end he left with his mother as he had to stay abroad for his work. But in the end, he picked up the house here and took his old mother, as he had to stay abroad for work. Now there is no one in their land.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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