Chapter 9 - Preparations

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"Alright, let's see."

Rachelle removes the bandage from my wound and inspects it carefully.

"How does it look, doc?" I asked.

She laughed and shook her head. "The wound already closed in just a few days. That's insane. I don't know how it happened, but whatever those people back then did to your body helped you on recovering."

She's right. I may not heal in an instant like Zack, but it'll heal completely in a day or two.

Speaking of Zack, he looked completely surprised after I told him about the physical changes I get once I'm infected. Does that mean he's never been bitten before?

"Alright, can I do some work around the camp now?"

"Well, as your doctor," she giggled. "You can go walk around the camp, but no excessive movements are allowed yet. I advise you to take a rest for one more day, and then you'll be free to do whatever you want. Sound fair?"

"Fair enough." I smiled. We grabbed our things and both walked out of my room.

It's been five days since I got shot in the right upper chest. Rachelle also discovered that I was a rejected subject and asked me some questions the next day with the entire group listening. They also revealed that Zack is just like me. Surprisingly, only those of us living in this large cabin knows about it. I wonder why.

David and his men chased after those two who caused the massacre, but they got away. He assumed everything was planned. Those two even killed the people guarding the hunting towers while everyone was busy preparing for the mask ceremony. That explains how they got out of the camp so easily.

Ralph, the guy who loves sniping, was guarding the tower that night. Sadly, he was dead when our people found him strapped to a chair with multiple stab wounds on his chest. The other person guarding the second tower also met the same fate as him. David had no choice but to assign new people on both towers to watch the outside area every single day.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked as soon as we got downstairs.

"You two, come here," Zachia called.

They're sitting around the table and discussing something. I looked at Rachelle beside me, but she just shrugged and walked towards them.

"What's going on?"

"David assigned all seven of us to do the runs from now on." Steve replied.

"Wait, but that was before. We stopped doing runs when the adults started coming to the camp." Rachelle said.

"As you all know, we lost a lot of people five nights ago, and David counted twenty-one bodies. The majority of those people are the adults assigned to the runs. Now that they're gone, we had no choice but to take their place." Steve explained.

Twenty-one. We lost almost half the camp in a single night.

"Count me out," Rachelle said with her arms crossed.

"Look, Rachelle, David gave us this job because he knew we were capable of handling it," Steve sighed. "If you're still thinking about what happened last time,"

"Don't..." she said, her finger pointing at him.

"Rachelle, stop looking at the past. You need to—"

"Just stop!" she shouted.

Her voice made the living room silent, at least until we heard a creak coming from the front door.

"Morning y'all, how's Cyra... doing?" Gian stared at us and stood still.

Such bad timing, Gian.

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