Chapter 8: Step by Step!

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Law of Attraction (Like attracts like)

Do you know Newton's Laws motion? Law of Attraction works similar to Newton's Law. Law of Attraction is the ability to attract what we are focusing on into our lives. This Law uses the power of the mind to translate whats in our thoughts and materialize them into our reality.

Understanding the Steps

Newton's Laws

Newton's First Law : Object will not change motion unless force acts on it (Rest).

Newton's Second Law: Force placed upon object causes acceleration (Momentum).

Newton's Third Law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (Movement).

Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction Step 1: Sifting through contrast, knowing what you want and don't want. (Wish)

Law of Attraction Step 2: Focus gratitude and positive self-talk. (Intention)

Law of Attraction Step 3: Watching your manifestation revealing to you (Receiving)

Law of Attraction Step 3: Watching your manifestation revealing to you (Receiving)

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Law of Attraction Step 4: Its getting better at step 3. (Success)

Law of Attraction Step 5: Accountability is the key. (Responsibility)

When practicing law of attraction, you will get what you think of

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When practicing law of attraction, you will get what you think of. Examples, like attracts like, love attracts love, hate attracts hate. Whatever you are focusing your feelings (vibration) on, you will attract that certain feeling because there's momentum building into that feeling. Imagine a mountain filled with snow, it is at rest, no movement until we build momentum of sound waves, causing an echo then an avalanche starts happening, this action has equal reaction. We can't reverse or stop the avalanche but we can get out of the way until it stops and that's the law of physics.

If we were thinking of something so good and build momentum by focusing on it with more positive thoughts and therefore, manifestation happens, we can't stop it because, at this stage it becomes an avalanche. Same goes with our negative thoughts, if too much momentum is focused upon that thought then we will experience more unpleasant avalanche. The only way to stop momentum building, is to go SLEEP! We can sleep it off at night and start a new day. Also, don't be those ones that sleeps all day, instead, take short naps!!! 15 minute power-naps are excellent for starting fresh again. You will be surprised at the new energies pumping through you, new thoughts and ideas arising out of nowhere.

Resistance & Least Resistance

Have you ever experience things working out when you've totally given up and things not working out when you gave it your all. This is resistance vs least resistance, simple explanation from law of attraction; if you try so hard, that is building resistance in your vibration but if you relax and just let go, you are generating least resistance. Understand, that all thoughts that are least resistance, ushers your manifestation so swiftly. It's like swimming against the current, the solution is to relax and let the current take you. Don't force thoughts into manifestation, let go of overthinking and you will witness the universe manifesting for you.

Step 1: Know what you want

Step 2: Believing, feeling secure, appreciating and accepting(least resistance). Don't ever doubt (resistance) yourself.

Step 3: Ready and allowing to receive!

Step 4: Mastering step 3!

Step 5: Taking full responsibility of the outcome.


The vortex can annoy someone who is reality based because they can't see whats in the vortex ignoring reality is fun. There's two advantage point, it is you focusing upon and the source within you, who existed before your birth and expanding ever since you've been here into this physical body, becoming the equivalent of every request of your experience. If you are having an enjoyable moment in your life then you are in full sync with your true self.

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