My Eternity

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A cloudy September evening,

two paths once separate

do meet to merge as one.

A dream is awakened

as eyes meet

and hearts beat.

As nerves flutter

like butterfly wings,

as nervous smiles are exchanged

and promises of meetings are made.

My love was found to me that day,

my fantasy girl

became a solid reality

standing before my eyes,

glowing vibrantly like an angel

my jumble of words pouring out

proof of the effect of her presence upon me.

Two years gone by,

a million memories shared

and she is still as beautiful to me

as she appeared on that first day,

she still makes my skin tingle

and my breath catch,

she still makes my world stand still

and my soul soar high,

She is my soul mate

my twin reflection

my friend

my lover

and so much more

than I can put into simple words

to describe my immense


and undying love

for my beautiful girl

who's gorgeous eyes frame

the sky of my world,

and who's beautiful spirit

infuses me with

such passion

such profuse happiness

and such inner peace then I have ever felt before.

I love you my flame haired princess

you are in my eyes,

the most perfect of all girls,

your eyes haunt me

and whenever I close them

I can sense you beside me

there to guide me.

Even when we are miles apart

I can feel you in my heart

you are an integral part of me,

a part of me

that shall blaze brighter than all the stars shining far above....for all eternity

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