Arms of Aphrodite

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The sweet scent of roses blooming

bring with it the wonders of love unfolding

and the remembrance

of heartbreaks past,

and the joy of blessings to come.

Whilst Aphrodite in all her illustrious splendour

reaches out

with arms as fine as porcelain

and a face that the angels have carved

to comfort

the love lorn

the weary

the ones

who are on the verge of giving up

on their hearts sometimes illusive dreams

of finding that special someone.

"Rest assured," she whispers

"your princess is out there,

and though you may not believe it yet

she will find you

and upon that day the sun will shine

the birds will sing

your heart will be restored

to its unbroken state,

and every tear you have shed

every pain you have felt

and dissapointment you have experienced

will fade into the shadows

as happiness finds you once more,

as love without end walks through your door

to breathe new hope into your fractured soul. "

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