3. What is love?

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My first day back in class was quite exhausting. Maddie was overly excited to have me back at her side and I had to explain my absence to all the professors over and over again. I had sent them all an email the day after the incident, but they still wanted to hear everything personally. When I finally came home at 2 PM I decided to grab my camera and make the 15 minute walk to Barnsdall Park. The weather was beautiful and it making photos always helped me clear my head. Even though I was studying Marketing, my one true passion had always been photography. It had always been my dream to become a professional photographer, so when I didn't get into the New York Film Academy I was devastated. I decided on finding chances somewhere else. With photography as an important piece of most marketing projects and strategies, I hoped to find a way into professional photography through marketing one way our another.

When I got to the park I sat down underneath one of the larger trees. I had always loved photographing people, especially spontaneous pictures. Capturing the pure emotion shown in somebody's face when they didn't know someone was looking, was one of the most magical things to me. You could tell so much from the expression on someone's face or the look in a person's eyes. I enjoyed 3 hours in the park, photographing both people and dogs, who were running around chasing balls and playing with each other. It was around 5:30 PM when I decided to make my way back home, so I could start cooking dinner and get to bed early, seeing as I had both classes and work tomorrow.

I got into work early for once, due to my last class getting cancelled because our professor had called in sick and they couldn't find a substitute teacher. I got dressed in our lockerroom, sitting down on the benches for a second, already drenched from an entire day of classes. When my shift started, Richard asked me if I wanted to stay behind the bar tonight or if I would be okay waiting tables. I gave him a smile while reassuring him that I would be fine waiting tables and I got on with doing so. Tonight wasn't as busy as it had been two weeks earlier, with only half of the tables occupied, the night was rather slow. I had just made my way out of the kitchen after cleaning up a table when I saw Richard talking with someone over at the bar on my left. When he caught sight of me, Richard called me over. I furrowed my brows, having no idea what could be important enough for Richard to keep me from doing my job. When I was almost at the bar the person who Richard had been talking to turned around. Seeing his face made me stop in my tracks. "Uhm... Hi." I spoke nervously. Richard walked away, patting me on the shoulder when he walked past me. Ashton laughed. "Hey Elisabeth, it's good to see you're doing better. I just wanted to see if you were doing well again." he said whilst looking at me. I started at the ground, fumbling with my hands. I was nervous, even more now that I was two weeks ago. I mean, this guy was undeniably gorgeous, but he was also world famous. That's something I didn't know earlier. "Uhm yeah, I'm all fine now, thanks. I have to get back to work..." I said, ready to turn around. "Ehm coffee?" Ashton said quickly, stopping me from walking away. "What?" I asked while turning back around to face him again. "Do you like coffee? I mean, would you like to get coffee some time? With.... me?". The last part came out sounding very uncertain. Was he nervous? How could he be? He was world famous, he performed in front of live television and ten-thousands of fans on a regular. Now it was just me standing here in front of him. I fancied him, he was sweet and I think that I could easily fall in love with him if I let myself. I was attracted to him. But I knew, that I would never be able to share a life with him. Ashton and paparazzi came in a package deal. I fled home. My father can never find out where I am, or I could lose everything all over again. I just couldn't risk it, even though in my heart I could instantly feel that Ashton was worth any risk. "Ehm, I'm really sorry, but I can't. I have to go." I answered honestly, leaving him behind at the bar, knowing that if I stayed any longer I wouldn't be able to keep my guard up much longer. He just had that affect on me.

Ashton had gone almost immediately after I left him standing at the bar all by himself. My shift ended shortly afterwards. The restaurant was now empty. I collected the trash and struggled taking out the three big garbage bags to the blind alley behind the restaurant. I kicked open the door and groaned, dragging the garbage bags behind me to the large dumpster in the corner. A noise coming from the other side of the alley startled me and I dropped the garbage bags on the floor. I stood up straight and my eyes shot in the direction where I had just heard the sound coming from only seconds earlier. "Ashton!?!? What are you doing here? You almost gave me a heart attack!" I exclaimed. "I'm so sorry, but I couldn't just leave. Your boss told me you would take out the trash. You turned me down..." he replied. "Oh my god, did I hurt your feelings mister big ego?" I asked sarcastically. I punched myself in the face in my head. Why don't I keep my mouth shut and think before I speak!? Ashton laughed. "No, no, it's just that, you're different. You do something to me. From the very first moment I saw you two weeks ago, I have had this feeling that I need to know you. I can't keep you off my mind." he said. It remained silent for a while. "I feel the same way..." I responded softly. "Then why won't you have coffee with me? Or if you don't like coffee we can go have dinner." Ashton replied. "It's not that.." I sighed, "I just.... it's not that simple for me. I have left my past behind me. You come with an entire fanbase and a lot of paparazzi. I've fled from my childhood and my home and my family. I can't risk the demons of my past catching up with me. They can never find out where I am.". I tried to explain, but I didn't want to tell him everything. If things went well between us, I'd tell him all about my past when the time was ready. Ashton looked at me, confusion in his eyes, but a reassuring smile around his mouth anyway. "You don't need to explain anything to me if you don't feel comfterable doing so. And we don't need to do anything in public if you don't want too. I know being friends with me or dating me comes with a burden and I can't make you do things you don't want. But if getting to know you better means all our dates consists of ordering pizza and watching a movie at your place or mine, I'm fine with that." he said. A smile crept onto my face. "Then it's a date." I replied.

Ashton and I exchanged phone numbers so we could set up a date. I was nervous and too anxious to text him first. 6 days went by without any contact. At this point I was starting to think that he'd changed his mind. I mean, what did he possibly see in me anyway? He could get literally any woman he wants. He could date supermodels or a famous actrice. Why would he pay any attention on me? I am nothing special. The weekend had passed and I was back in class, trying to focus on what my professor was telling, when I got a text. I smiled when I looked at my phone, immediately getting Maddie's attention, who was sitting next to me. I had told her everything that had happened and when she heard she went into full fangirl mode. I had never seen her that excited before. "Oh my god Liz. He finally grew a pair and texted you! What is he saying?" Maddie whispered in my ear. I snorted. I let her read the text:

From: Ashton

Hey Elisabeth, I'm sorry for taking so long to finally text you. I'm really feeling pizza and a movie night. Are you free on Friday?

To: Ashton

Hey Ashton, no problem. I was busy catching up with classes. Is it alright if we meet at my place? I'll text you my address later :)

From: Ashton

See you Friday 7 PM sharp :)

"OH MY GOD, he is coming over to your place. Ashton Irwin will be in your house! How are you not freaking out?" Maddie exclaimed quietly. I laughed and shook my head. Oh I am definitely freaking out on the inside...

Friday came around. It was almost 7 PM. I had already ordered pizza after texting Ashton earlier to ask what he wanted. So I was currently waiting on two pepperoni pizzas and the man I couldn't stop thinking about. Maddie had leant me some money when I told her I wasn't sure if I could afford to order pizza and telling her I would probably just get frozen pizzas from the supermarket. She wasn't to keen on that idea and nudged my sides. "Just have a good time Friday night, please. You deserve to be happy." she had said while handing me a $20 bill. I indulged her in a hug and pressed a kiss to her cheeck. I was brought back to reality by my door ringing. I got up from the couch, taking a deep breath. My hands were trembling a little when I reached to open the door. Please, please, please just don't screw this up Liz.

Song: What is love? 7" Mix - Haddaway

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